Acworth Parks and Recreation hosts annual Daddy-Daughter dance featuring Frozen-inspired theme

Fathers and daughters gathered in NC’s gym for a Frozen-themed experience on February 21 for a Daddy-Daughter dance. Acworth holds this event every year, creating a bonding environment for fathers and daughters up to age 13.

“I’m glad I brought my daughter, Deena, here because young girls remember things like that, its good to give them positive memories like that,” one of the attending fathers Steven Washington, dressed as Olaf, commented.

Tarleshia Jean-Pierre

Even when rain became apparent, fathers trudged through with their little girls to enjoy an evening out.







Tarleshia Jean-Pierre

Acworth representatives, Bailey Arnaud and Holly Bevil, sit at the on-site registration table, while the recreation coordinator Michelle Berryman discussed the ribbons in the box. “Two hundred and twenty five people registered and with the rain we expected much less, but we have at least 300 people in the gym,” Arnaud said.





Tarleshia Jean-Pierre

After checking in or registering on-site, attendees hang up their coats before going inside the gym for festivities.







Tarleshia Jean-Pierre

The Frozen-themed wonderland impressed patrons as they entered the gym. The room filled with blue and white balloons, huge hanging snowflakes, and streamers, along with other amenities such as the refreshment table, ice cream table, and dance floor.






Tarleshia Jean-Pierre

All exhibiting their bright smiles, seven year old twins dressed in their Elsa and Anna outfits, stand on each side their best friend.







Tarleshia Jean-Pierre

A sundae station, catered by Wow Factor of Atlanta, existed within the ice and snow-decorated room. Each table contained several delicious ice cream flavors and various toppings to choose from.  A father helps his daughters at the table to create their sundaes.






Tarleshia Jean-Pierre

A young girl dons a ribbon corsage for her dad in the sitting area.







Tarleshia Jean-Pierre

The girls enjoyed each other’s company while posing with their blue raspberry Hawaiian Punch while exhausted dads take a much needed break from the dance floor.






Tarleshia Jean-Pierre

A dapper dad dances with his young daughter with a joyous look on his face, as many fathers and father-figures looked that night.







A dad dances with his daughter, dipping her in the background.









Tarleshia Jean-Pierre

The two toddlers dance against a wall with balloons, while their dads protect them from falling.







Tarleshia Jean-Pierre

Elsa and Olaf pose with another fan in one of numerous photo ops throughout the night. When asked how they feel about bringing these girls’ favorite characters to life, fathers replied, “We love it! To see them enjoying our company and dancing with them— it’s amazing.”






Tarleshia Jean-Pierre

Little ladies enjoyed dressing up for the occasion.








Tarleshia Jean-Pierre

Fathers and daughters stand in line for professional photos provided by Sportography.







Tarleshia Jean-Pierre

Acworth representatives Holly Bevil and Bailey Arnaud hand the snowflake wands out at the end of the night.







Tarleshia Jean-Pierre

 The girls felt excited to have Elsa’s power with their newly earned wands.








Tarleshia Jean-Pierre

Three excited girls pose with their wands.








At the end of the night, a young girl walks out and points her wand at people outside the gym.