School to convert cafeteria on weekends to nightclub

Alex O’Brien

After two years of successful prom nights at Opera, North Cobb takes a cue and brings the party on campus for a lucrative way to make some extra cash for struggling programs.

Sophia Mapua, Reporter

After another successful prom night at Opera Nightclub, principal Dr. Page has prompted plans to transform the main cafeteria into a nightclub.

The vision to revamp the cafeteria stemmed from the profitable night at prom. As the primary location for two years, Opera Nightclub gave Dr. Page the idea to offer a closer, safe entertainment center for NC’s students.

“The loosened atmosphere will provide an on-campus outlet and will attract prospective students to our school. Additionally, the revenue generated from the renovated facility will supplement our funds for textbooks ,” said principal Dr. Page.

The transformation will take place during the weekends. In order to get in, students must present their school IDs.  Administrators Mr. Revard and Mr. Barilow have kindly volunteered to spend their Saturday nights as bouncers.

“We take entrance into the nightclub very seriously. This is not to be taken lightly. If anyone attempts to get past us without an ID, they will most likely face expulsion for the rest of the year,” warned Mr. Barilow.

During the night, cafeteria staff members will lose their hairnets and plastic gloves to act as bartenders. The newly built bar will offer a variety of drinks, such as chocolate milk, orange juice, and fruit punch.

“When I found out about the remodeling, I was super stoked! I can’t wait to finally have a place to hang out on Saturday nights. All of the cool nightclubs are in downtown Atlanta, so it’ll be nice to finally get turnt at school,” said senior Shelby Szucs.

Students can gain entrance into the nightclub for merely $100 (cash only). Hours last from 12 am to 4 am every weekend.

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