London Calling: Orchestra students perform in England’s premier halls

Ben Franco

Southwark Cathedral performance London

As the capital and most populous city of England, London remains a land full of rich history and a leading international business center. Over spring break, 15 NC orchestra students from all grade levels visited this landmark in order to sightsee monuments, learn about British culture, and perform music for the country’s citizens.

Ben Franco
The performance received positive reactions from the observers at Old Spitafields.












After waiting a long time at the airport, students boarded the plane, excited for their adventure to begin. After arriving in the city, NC’s orchestra explored London around their hotel.

The next day, students toured Cambridge University, commonly known as the second-oldest university in the English-speaking world. Additionally, students trekked through the Stonehenge, one of the most famous sites in the world. They also visited Westminister Abbey, a large Gothic church that remains as one of the most notable religious buildings in the UK.

“I liked being able to go in the churches, which were grand and elaborately designed. It was just a cool experience knowing the history and finding out how it looks like on the inside and how the people lived back then,” said senior Ben Franco.

During the last few days, NC’s orchestra visited popular shopping markets, the Tower of London, Piccadilly Circus, and the London Eye.

“My favorite part about the experience was seeing the London Eye because it looked over the whole city. It pretty much summed up the whole trip for me. I also liked seeing the differences in American and British culture. People in London tended to be friendlier than the people here,” said junior Simone McQueen.

Despite the copious amount of sightseeing, students also performed three concerts. These took place at Old Spitalfields Market and two cathedrals. By performing orchestral music for the people of London, NC students not only gain a new sense of culture, but they also shared their talents with the rest of the world, further putting NC on the map.