NC hosts Dr. Cole to improve parent-child communication
Dr. Les Cole talked to parents about how to communicate with their children. He provided examples from his own life and connected it with the lives of parents attending the meeting. He addressed certain communication barriers and took questions from the attendees.
November 2, 2015
On October 27, parents of NC students gathered in the media center to listen to Dr. Les Cole speak about how to communicate with their children. The forum aimed to offer a new approach to parenting and communicating.
“Sometimes parents are dealing with communication issues with their children, so it was important for parents to attend to try to help them figure out ways to better communicate with their children,” counselor Dr. Brent Shropshire said. “Communication is the most important part of the relationship in trying to understand each person’s perspective, it’s very important so they can understand each other.”
Cole spoke about what parenting actually involves, believing that parents should prepare their children to live effectively in this world and that communication remains the most important component of understanding the child’s point of view. Many people often buy into the myth that well-behaved kids are the result of good parenting; however, Cole shot down this urban legend. Parents forget what living as a teenager involves. Stress can lead to more immediate problems. Chronic, overwhelming stress and trauma arrests brain development. Cole spoke about how to not ignore these problems, as stress can commonly go unnoticed by parents.
“I believe the entire relationship between a child and their parents is extremely important. Obviously, their relationship as a whole is crucial to the child’s development,” junior Erik Perez said.
The forum allowed parents to learn more about communication and ask questions to a professional as Cole continued to help parents strengthen their bond with their child.