Who reigned supreme? Scream Queens finale recap
Ryan Murphy’s sitcom horror Scream Queens revealed which Chanel had been making the girls cower in fear all season long.
December 10, 2015
The Scream Queens season finale did not disappoint and viewers finally found out the identity of the Red Devil killer… but not before some serious drama took place first.
Just when Grace and Pete’s relationship had reached its peak, Pete professed his murderous ways, and then he died. What a way to end the Romeo and Juliet dynamic that the duo had. Pete spilled some beans as to which Kappa sister liked to dress up and kill for fun, but right as he began to say the name, he gets stabbed in the face by Hester; yes, Hester, the Red Devil killer. Lea Michelle plays the role of Hester seamlessly, even with such a difference between her former Glee character and the new, serial killer character.
After viewers could feel the unworldly humiliation of the undying profession of love themselves, part one of the season finale outlined the evidence that led up to the identity reveal of the Red Devil, and part two tells Hester’s story. No surprise that Hester turns out as a psycho, she came into the show drooling with a back brace and calling people “mommy”. The show makes light of serial killers, over-exaggerates the theatrics of teenage romance, and subtly comments on the affection of adolescent girls to one another; what could a more entertaining Tuesday night consist of rather than watching the picking apart of world you live in?
At the end of the second season finale episode, Hester frames the Chanels for the murders that her, Boone, Gigi, and Pete committed. But the crazy continues, as the Chanels defend themselves in court and subsequently end up with a guilty verdict, they receive a life sentence to a mental institution, home sweet home! The hilarious turn of events unfolds to reveal that the girls do not infact hate their newfound home, they love it. The satirical nature of the show made the living situation of the girls like an, oh so comical, release from the jail of Kappa House.
Overall, the season finale left viewers with a lot of unanswered questions.
Will Hester continue her killing spree?
Will the drama unfold between Dean Munch and Grace’s dad?
Will Grace and Hester bond over their sisterly love?
All of these questions keep the curiosity flowing and viewers tuning in to see what exactly will happen next in Scream Queens season two.