That Awkward Moment When: Students confess their embarrassing pasts
August 20, 2014
High school ceases to exist without its endless awkward and embarrassing moments. We traveled around North Cobb trying to gather the most unflattering events Warriors have ever experienced. So next time you fall down the stairs, or trip in front of your friends, just remember what happened to these Warriors…

“Sophomore year, I was doing a presentation for my sociology class, the topic was sex. I was extremely nervous. But that didn’t stop me, I did not want to let my group down. So, I presented my part and then after I finished speaking, I fainted. Luckily, a friend caught me…” -anonymous, 12th grade
“It was 8th grade year, and it was field day. It was my turn to run the 15 meter race, and boy was I ready. I started running, but then I tripped over my own feet. I tumbled all the way down the hill, and all I could hear was everyone yelling “Wipe out!” It was traumatizing.” -anonymous, 12th grade
“We had to skip backwards in tires in P.E. I tripped and fell into a tire, and I got stuck.”
-anonymous, 10th grade
“On the first day of school, I got lost. I walked into the wrong classroom and it was full of seniors.”
-anonymous, 9th grade
“Last year, I threw up in the hallway. It was so gross and it went everywhere.” -anonymous, 11th grade
“In the 6th grade, I pooped in my pants…”
-anonymous, 10th grade
“One time, the ground was icy and I was walking down the bus steps and I slipped and fell down the stairs. When I looked up, everyone was laughing at me.”
-anonymous 12th grade
“I was on homecoming court and when it was my turn to walk down the field, I tripped on my dress. And everyone saw it.”
-anonymous, 12th grade
Well, there you have it. Whether we fall down the stairs or throw up in the hallway, we Warriors constantly embarrass ourselves. At least we suffer through high school together.