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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

NC starts the week off with one of the most dreaded situations that a hungry, grumpy student could find themselves in. An enticing bag of Bugles taunts a student after stealing the dollar; a textbook definition of a Monday.

Bugles blues

Isabella Keaton, Reporter, Photographer
August 14, 2017
 Commotion irrupted when a pack of skittles failed to reach the door of the vending machine. From violently shaking to trying to reach up inside, students are coming up with some interesting and creative ways to reach the colorful candy.

Candy craze

March 8, 2017
After inserting too much money into the vending machine, this NC sophomore received a pocket-full of coins as his change. Students view Mondays as bad luck and this incident provides a humorous example. “I put in a five dollar bill and I was expecting some quarters, but I ended up getting forty dimes and a quarter. Oh well.” sophomore Spencer Paige said as he tried to gather his multitude of change.

A change of luck

January 30, 2017
A generous student places her change in a vending machine change slot for the next person to buy a snack without expense. Students approached the machine excitedly, hoping to get a snack on the house.

A generous gift

December 9, 2016
Broken or a blessing? If you stop by the vending machine in the 600 hallway today, you might be able to buy Goldfish for $.50 instead of a dollar. While most vending machines usually take money, this one helps you save it!

Vending machine miracle

October 20, 2015
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