BETA club induction ceremony welcomes new members
On January 10, BETA club welcomed in more than a dozen new members, mostly comprised of sophomores, at the annual spring induction ceremony. BETA club focuses on community service, selecting students who possess both good grades and good hearts.
January 24, 2018
The annual first semester BETA Club induction ceremony took place in the library on Wednesday, January 10 at 7pm. New inductees, comprised mostly of freshmen, received their chance to officially become inducted into the club. BETA club works with other school clubs, such as Interact Club and Black Student Union (BSU), and local community organizations to make the Kennesaw-Acworth area a better place.
“BETA club is pleased and honored to have welcomed so many bright students with this past induction,” club president and senior Evee Watkins said.

Induction chair senior Sarah Kent and club president senior Evee Watkins discussed last-minute details before the induction ceremony commenced. BETA club hopes to see even more new members inducted in this April’s induction ceremony.
Club sponsors Veronica Cook and Carolyn Galloway organized the event, and Watkins started off the night by welcoming parents and students to the ceremony. After vice president and junior Tara Anastasoff presented a speech about the volunteer activities completed by the club this year, Watkins recited the club’s pledge with the newly inducted members.
Induction chair senior Sarah Kent called each new member to the front one at a time. Watkins congratulated each individual as they walked to the podium, and each new member received a certificate and an official BETA club pin to commemorate their official membership.
“Those of you who are interested in joining, be prepared to do a significant amount of public service and keep yourself organized and well-scheduled,” BETA club sponsor Carolyn Galloway said.
Each BETA club officer then pulled a student from the crowd to present the four keys of BETA club: achievement, character, leadership, and service. The new members promised to uphold the requirements of the national chapter.

The four keys of BETA club: achievement, character, leadership, and service represent the core values of the club. Each new member promises to keep these traits in mind with every task that they do.
“I’d like to see BETA club be more about coming together as a community group to do good and to enjoy doing good together,” Galloway said.
BETA club will continue to serve both the school and the local community for the remainder of the school year. Their spring induction ceremony will take place in April to welcome even more members to the nationally recognized club.