The little Einstein of NC
Eighth grader William Green, calculator and notebook in hand, walks to his Accelerated Pre Calculus class filled with juniors and seniors. This young scholar exceeds his middle school peer’s academic feats and moves on to tackling high school level rigor.
January 28, 2018
Seeking a challenge, most people choose to read a rigorous book or strive for higher scores on tests and quizzes. William Green decided to begin high school math classes as a seventh grader, now moving onto NC’s Accelerated Pre Calculus course while finishing up his last semester of eighth grade at Awtrey Middle School (AMS).
“As a freshman, I’m going to take AP Calculus and AP Statistics so I can knock those out and start with college level courses,” Green said, nonchalantly.
The young mathematician lives the life of a normal 14-year old boy; he spends time with his friends, he cooks, he plays music, and he takes part in a number of extracurricular activities. Green expects to acquire his Eagle Scout uniform on in no time and currently serves as the president of AMS’s National Junior Honor Society.
Everyday— cold, warm, dry, or wet— Green commutes to and from NC in order to satisfy his hunger for a challenge. Despite any challenge thrown at him, the scholar exceeds in all of his classes and never fails to impress his teachers.
“Will is a very hard worker. He’s meticulous with his assignments and stands out by always being prepared and asking great questions. He’s an asset to the classroom,” AMS science teacher Patty Nichols said.
From an early age, Green began to exhibit prestigious intelligence in the classroom, leaving teachers with no choice but to place him in higher level courses. As a seventh grader, he exited the Advanced Algebra 2/Geometry B ninth grade math course with one of the highest grades in the class, completing AMS’s curriculum one year early. From there, Green continued on to take math courses at the NC’s campus, and currently sits beside juniors and seniors in Accelerated Pre-Calculus.
The average eighth grader would not dare enter the same room as scary, blood-thirsty upperclassmen, but Green feels comfortable. With only having a positive experience at NC, the middle schooler happily makes friends in his high school classes, and never deals with bullying.
“My age doesn’t affect me much in these classes. At first, I didn’t really have any people to talk to, but now I have friends here. Being in classes with sophomores wasn’t intimidating, really, compared to being in a class with seniors, but everything is alright now,” Green said.
When the young savant took his first high school class, he felt more comfortable with finally having a challenge; despite the rigour, he never seems confused or falls behind. Teachers recognize his endless potential and always appreciate seeing a brilliant mind engage with each and every lesson.
“He’s phenomenal. Will is bright, personable, and much more mature than [other kids] his age. His IQ must be pretty high, he just has such a skill for solving problems that most kids don’t have,” social studies teacher George Cronin said.
Unsurprisingly, Green hopes to pursue a career in mathematics because it comes naturally to him. He always feels comfortable in school and rarely struggles academically. Despite the caliber of intelligence exponentially growing in his brain, he always takes on a humble attitude, exhibiting his persona beyond just academics.
“He is going to make an impact, not in one area, but in the world—somehow,” Cronin said.