Fine Arts bring holiday cheer to NC
Community members and parents alike packed the NC Performing Arts Center to see the NC fine arts program perform on Thursday, December 12. With pieces such as “Sleigh Ride” and the popular “Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer,” the audience whispered and sang along to reminiscent jingles. “I think it went really smoothly considering we only had a full run-through once,” senior chorus member Niara Minifield said.
December 17, 2019
As the holiday season comes a-stirring, the NC Fine Arts department filled the silent air with sounds of cheer and sights of joy. The NC wind symphony, Chamber orchestra, chorus and art programs all performed in the annual “Winter Extravagance” at the NC Performing Arts Center this past Thursday, December 12. With classic holiday anthems and a live Christmas painting by art teacher Karrie Brewer, everyone in attendance witnessed the true meaning of the holiday season.
“The concert was really special because it’s the first joint performance we’ve ever had at our school with all of the fine arts programs. It showed off each of the programs’ individuality,” junior chorus member Ginette Samu said.
After a warm season’s greetings from Santa Claus himself, guests received a welcome from the Wind Symphony as they performed “A Christmas Festival,” followed by several holiday jingles. The audience seemed to connect with the most famous reindeer of all: “Rudolf, the Red-Nosed Reindeer” performed by the Double Bass trio. The “Holiday Spectacular” finished with a standing ovation after the Wind Symphony, Chamber orchestra, Men’s and Women’s chorus, and a select Acapella choir united in performing “Sleigh Ride.”

Along with a live-action painting by art teacher Karrie Brewer came a display of art student’s award-winning paintings. Vibrant colors and shapes let viewers feel the intended message and theme of each piece. Each fine arts program received exposure during Thursday night’s performance.
“It was special because we all got together for the first time and played Sleigh Ride. It got us to bond and realize how talented each program is,” sophomore band member Sarah Triana said.
With a full house ready to listen to NC’s finest musicians, guests witnessed the diverse yet extravagant sound NC’s fine arts program offered. Note-by-note and chord-by-chord, the fine arts program displayed a performance to remember.