Style trends: Then vs. now
Students now mimic the style trends of the 1990’s, as popular fashions come back. However, differences also become evident as students become more confident in expressing themselves. Trends will continue to change and repeat, so students should dress how they want regardless of today’s trends.
February 22, 2021
It seems as though looking back on the past, society sees a pattern within fashion trends: they always come back around. Looking back at pictures of the class of 1990, the girls wore scrunchies and flowy patterned pants, while the boys flaunted collared t-shirts and silver chain necklaces, and the athletes wore thick letterman jackets. It seems as though nothing has changed in the 30-year gap between us and the 90’s. Even hairstyles come back; girls wear loose pony-tails and cut their bangs, and parting your hair in the middle has recently become a trend again for everybody regardless of gender.
Fashion trends tend to come back every 20 to 30 years. Researchers believe that this happens due to previous generations having kids, and then passing along those fashion ideas when the children become old enough to dress themselves. In an article by DSN English, they discuss how certain trends will “never go out of style,” but old trends will always come back.
“Researchers think that trends repeat because of generational changes as well as designers taking inspiration from styles their parents wore. In the coming decade, we should expect to see fashions which were popular in the 1990s and 2000s such as halter tops, layered tank tops, boot cut jeans, cargo pants, chokers, headbands, chunky highlights, and bare midriffs,” DSN said.
Their predictions appear correct, as all of those trends have come back in style recently. Thinking about the repetition sparks interest, what will NC students’ future kids like to wear? What will become popular then, and what will become popular in a couple of years?
However, despite all of the similarities, differences become evident as well. Living in 2021, our society continues to become more open to uniqueness and individuality. Students may follow the trends similar to those of the 90’s, but others dress according to their own standards and likings. Students dye their hair, wear chunky platform boots, and do not always follow gender rules when picking out their outfits before school. Make-up has started to become accepted for boys to wear too; students find new ways to express themselves on a daily basis. Everyone looked similar in the 90’s. But now walking through the school, the comfort to express oneself becomes more evident every day.
Trends will always repeat and change, as proven in the past. So, students should wear what they want regardless of the trends for a certain time. And certain styles of clothing only become well-known and popular thanks to celebrities. Whether we realize it or not, pop-culture influences the way we dress.
“The introduction occurs when a fashion designer introduces the new style at a fashion show or storefront. This is followed by the rise as people begin to wear the new style and show it to their friends. The trend then spreads until it hits its peak which is when ‘everyone is wearing it’,” DSN said.
Popular styles will never last, something new will always replace what society once idolized. Students should spend the four short years of high school they experience dressing in a way that makes them happy and comfortable. In a couple of years, their preferred style of clothing may become the trend, or it may not. Say goodbye to worrying about the fashion trends, and hello to expressing individuality.
“Before, I felt like I had to look like everyone else to fit in, but since I’ve stopped doing that and started doing what I want, I’ve been a lot happier. Other students should be who they truly are on the inside. Ever since I’ve started to express myself more truly I’ve gotten closer with a lot of my friends,” NC freshman Jaden Bruton said.