The Chant headquarters receive an upgrade

Lainey Devlin

While The Chant staff has loved their time in the closet, they cannot wait to branch out and relocate to their new sky high offices! “I cannot wait to decorate my new spot in the new office, I heard we’re even getting our MacBooks back which is great. I think this will definitely improve newspaper and make more people want to join,” junior Amber Roldan said.

Lainey Devlin, Copy Editor

While The Chant has successfully operated out of a converted closet for years, Principal Moody finally decided the staff deserved an upgrade. The new sky high publication office (pub office), approximately 30 stories high, will rest on top of the Arena. Construction will begin over the summer so as to not interrupt class. While this year’s seniors will sadly miss the new headquarters, they have already received visitor passes to join their collaborators above the clouds. 

The new pub office will flaunt 360 degree windows on the top floor to allow light to enter the room. The windows also come adorned with shades to allow the staff to reminisce on the darkness of the previous pub office. The luxury office chairs as well as the couches provide staff with comfortable seating while they work on improving the website daily. 

“We know how hard The Chant staff has been working in the last few years and we thought it was time we rewarded them. While the other clubs will be jealous, The Chant truly deserves this upgrade after working out of a literal closet for as long as we can remember,” Principal Matt Moody said.

Littered with amenities such as vending machines, soda fountains, and a personal chef, staff will receive quite an upgrade from their single microwave, which barely works now. The new office also provides staff with multiple entertainment outlets, such as multiple PS5’s, an Xbox, and eight flat screen TV’s. 

Ever committed to mental health, the staff has requested a “mental health zone” which they hope to fill with coloring books, soft pillows, and yoga mats for meditation practices. While the staff plans to work hard in the new office, they do believe mental health breaks improve productivity and reduce stress, making them essential to implement in the new sky high office. 

“I am thrilled to hear The Chant is relocating to a sky high! I think everyone on staff will love that and I know it will increase their productivity and hopefully make newspaper even more fun than it already is. I’m just jealous I don’t get to take advantage of the new amenities daily, but I will definitely use my visitor’s pass,” former Editor-in-Chief and NC alumni Tara Anastassoff said. 

April Fool’s, you fool!


The Chant