BREAKING NEWS: New phone ban at North Cobb
By popular demand from the administration, an indefinite phone ban will take place at NC from school entry until 3:30 after the spring break. Students that break this ban will receive consequences ranging from several days of in-school to out-of-school suspension, and a phone call to the student’s parents or guardians.
April 1, 2023
After an overall decision made by the NC school council, an indefinite ban on phones on school premises will start after spring break. The decision for the prohibition became a unanimous vote after a general discussion with the board and student council. Following the break, students should keep cellular devices at home. If not, an administrator and a school resource officer will enforce pat downs for phone collection at every school entry, including the front and back doors and those exiting buses. After the dismissal bell, students can collect their phones from collective phone services near the front office.
The ban states that using cellular devices on campus will result in a phone call home, an automatic two-day in-school suspension and a one-day out-of-school suspension if caught with a phone twice. This includes outside areas of the school, such as the area between the cafeteria and general buildings. After-school meetings remain the only exemption from the ban: before-school activities are not included. According to administrators and the school board, the inappropriate usage of phones during school hours resulted in the decision.
“As a whole, our board, parents of students, teachers, administrators, and resource officers have been seeing many students using their phones for inefficient uses during school hours. Walking around the school on phones, listening to music in class and texting while teachers are instructing—it’s simply becoming too much for us to handle. This will be a great opportunity for students to become more focused in class,” principal Matthew Moody said.
While the students will not gain access to phones, students can use school laptops during class time. Students found using their laptops in non-educational ways will receive similar consequences to those who sneak their phones into school. The ban’s goal will encourage students to stay off devices for increased visual health, engagement in class and sociability.
“If you see your friend carrying a phone during class, even if it’s just in their pocket or backpack, report them immediately to an administrator. This is a no-go policy, and we are not taking any exemptions,” assistant principal Holly Botella said.
April Fools, you fool!
The Chant