Worried your spring break will feel humdrum? Not with this guide

Spring break serves as the perfect time to get out of town.

Sophia Mackey

Spring break serves as the perfect time to get out of town.

Carli Troutman, Entertainment editor, Ad manager

With April now here, the spring break event planning commences. Students plan out their perfect spring break trips and think of everything possible to make their vacation the best yet. Here are some ideas to make your spring break float.

Sophia Mackey
Lounging is a must during your spring break.
  • Go on Vacation! Just get out of Georgia or even just Kennesaw. Life gets extremely boring and becomes the same humdrum spell everyday, so leave, either for the whole week, for the weekend, or for just a few days. You do not have to travel eight hours away.  You can simply travel 40 minutes away to explore another town.
  • Staycations work, too! A staycation works for when you do not want to leave your town… or house.. Simple as that. You do not have to leave your house or even leave your bed honestly (I suggest you leave your bed, but that depends all on you). But a staycation gives you a perfect amount of time to read a couple books, catch up on favorite TV shows, and watch some old movies.
  • Day Trips! My personal favorite activity for breaks. The perfect day trip plays out like this: you leave early in the morning then you do not come back home until midnight. So after a long day of exploring you can come home and relax in the comfort of your own home.
  • Party Time! Spring break gives students a perfect amount of time to let your hair down and just have fun. Plan a BBQ, dance party, pool party, even movie party. Anything can be turned into a party! Invite some friends over and just have some fun.
Sophia Mackey
With the weather right, grilling out turns boring dinners into fun adventures.

If none of these strange and exciting ideas interest you, then read this list that will for sure make your spring break perfect. Use this list as a checklist or just use it to spark some ideas in your mind. Spring break is what you make of it so maybe try to make this the best spring break you can!

  1. Build a fort. Forts are perfect for movie marathons with your best friends (ice cream is suggested)
  2. Play with a dog AT LEAST once.
  3. Go swimming! Spring break is a perfect time to “break” out your bathing suits from the summer! Go soak up some vitamin D!
  4. Make some homemade popsicles! Warm weather calls for cold treats!
  5. Have a day to yourself. Just spoil yourself. As Retta says on Parks and Recreation, “treat yo self.” We all need a day to ourselves sometimes so make sure you give yourself a break from crazy schedule.
  6. Go somewhere you have never been before! Make an adventure out of it! Maybe you will surprise yourself and you’ll find a new favorite spot.
  7. Go see a movie! And do not be boring. Go to the latest movie time of the worst movie playing. Bring some of your closest friends and be as loud and obnoxious as you can because you got the the theater to yourself. Then bring out the food. Sneak in some of the weirdest foods you can, ice cream pints, pizza, chinese takeout, anything you are hungry for. Maybe it sounds lame but it is an easy activity that works for a night where you have nothing going on.
  8. Dedicate a day to your PJs. Get your favorite pair of pajamas on and do sleepover games. You do not have to look perfect to have a perfect day.
  9. Picnic! Grab yourself and some people of your choosing and pack a perfect lunch! Picnic on a mountain, a lake, your front yard, your neighbors front yard! Whatever you want! Just have some fun in the sun.
  10. Become a chef! Make a five star gourmet dinner for you and your guests! But have fun with it. Don’t worry if you burn the chicken or ruin the sauce because you can always just order some back up food.
  11. Go do some volunteer work. Volunteer work can be surprisingly fun and really good for the soul. Helping people does wonders for the heart and makes you think more about what you can be thankful for.

For all the people who think their spring break will be boring, think again. With this guide your spring break can “spring” itself to greatness. Just remember to keep positive and always have extra sunscreen and you will have an A+ time!