The school feels like it is in perpetual flux, constantly changing, while also retaining significance that makes North Cobb still feel like home.
May 13, 2015
Ever since these seniors’ freshman year, these hallways have witnessed some major changes. From school cafeteria food updates to new teachers, NC has lost and won some regarding change.
The biggest change that NC has experienced remains the addition of the freshman academy. This year’s seniors will prove the first graduates having gone through the academy. Every year after this one will experience the same, but this year remains different. This year’s seniors were guinea pigs for the school, to show the addition of the academy’s impact on the students’ grades, attitudes, and overall high school experience.
Along with the goodbye of the fried food and extra calories we also said goodbye to some beloved teachers and administrators. Staff such as administrators Mr. Brown and Dr. Costen and Dr. Colon, teachers who retired like Dr. McCoy, have changed NC in one way or another and their presence will forever remain treasured.
Besides NC’s appearance, all of the students here are aware of the fact that we are lucky to say we are apart of this student body. Our school proved that we remain a force to be reckoned with in all sides of spectrum. Our sports and academics killed it this year in almost all competitions that we competed in. The NC student body did not back down this year and we hope in years to come we will only grow and become the best we can be.