D.I.Y. Cheating: How to earn the best grades the stealthy way
April 1, 2016
Having trouble finding success in school? Cheating remains the easiest and overall most effective way to utilize items laying around the house. Achieving exemplary grades in high school continues to cause unease for students. So forget studying, leave the anxiety behind, and say hello to straight A’s with these beneficial cheating DIY’s.
DIY #1: The Slick Selfie Stick Pic
Selfie sticks grew popular in 2015, but recently lost user interest. Why not test your selfie skills with this convenient cheating DIY?
What you will need:
- A selfie stick (I purchased mine at rue21 for $7.99)
- A cell phone with a built-in camera (mine is a Rose Gold IPhone 6S listed at $749.00 on Apple.com)
- Try to stay as quiet as possible when pulling your selfie stick out of your backpack when the test begins.
- Slowly and silently, begin extending the telescopic wand.
- Proceed to position the extended telescopic wand to face the front camera over your shoulder.
- Quickly and precisely press the selfie stick button at the bottom of the wand (make sure your phone remains on vibrate so no sound will draw attention to you).
- Finally, take your picture and copy the answers!

Selfie sticks make the perfect cheating tool.
DIY #2: Vitamin Water Cheating Label
Vitamin water no longer functions as just a delicious energy drink, but now a rewarding cheating alternative.
What you will need:
- A Vitamin Water (available at all grocery stores)
- A label template (accessible on Google images)
- Scissors
- Tape
- Purchase a Vitamin Water bottle (any color will work).
- Find a Vitamin Water template label on Google Images.
- Access Microsoft Word.
- Add the picture of the Vitamin Water template onto the Word document.
- Add a text box over the blank template and begin typing your answers.
- Print.
- Tape your new Vitamin Water template on top of original Vitamin Water label.
- Take Vitamin Water to class and begin reading the bottle during test.
- Happy cheating!
April fool’s, you fool!
XOXO, The Chant