Magnet program launches new school year with annual potluck
Magnet students and parents start picking up dessert during the potluck. Each student brought a dish based on their last name.
August 31, 2016
NC’s Magnet program held its annual potluck Thursday, August 25. Students brought food that represented their heritage, while teachers shared their expertise on surviving the rigors of the program.
“I brought a Mexican dish called chilaquiles,” Magnet freshman Chandler Quaile said. “My family is Hispanic: my mother is 50 percent, my grandmother is 100 percent, and I myself am 25 percent.”
Program coordinator David Stephenson and Magnet Adviser James Auld introduced the night’s speakers. Current seniors Erin Belmar and Josh Joines enlightened students and parents about life as a Magnet junior, while juniors Claudia Checo and Turner Markwalter told attendees how to triumph over their sophomore year. The final two speakers, sophomores Abir Ghallab and Reed Walker, gave advice to freshmen on their first year in the Magnet program.

Magnet Program Coordinator Mr. David Stephenson informs students and parents about upcoming magnet events. He suggested parents should donate $50 to the Magnet Foundation so students can have more travel and cultural opportunities.
“It’s really cool because I got to speak today,” Walker said. “Last year I was listening to the sophomores and now I’m that sophomore that I saw speaking as a freshman.”
With fellow Magnet students present, pupils made new friends and reconnected with old ones while their parents met with Magnet leaders to discuss their child’s future in the program.
“I came to the potluck to meet new Magnet students who live close to me,” Quaile said. “I’ve noticed that all of them live either in East Cobb or in South Cobb, which is far away.”

Junior Claudia Checo passes plates to hungry magnet students. Checo gave a brief presentation to current sophomores about how to survive sophomore year. “Make sure you do your bundle homework the day it is assigned,” Checo warned.
By the end of the potluck, students came home with new, useful information and full bellies.
“I like just getting a new idea for the next year or the year you’re about to take,” Walker said.