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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

	Senior Turner Markwalter prepares to present his ASR project. Magnet students spent their junior years collecting data and doing research, culminating in the final ASR presentation during their senior years. “You can tell how much work they put into everything and even though it’s been a year, how well they know their information,” moderator and junior Chike Azuzu said.

From ASR to AP Research

Morgan Brown, Ad manager, Public relations manager
February 16, 2018
The stress of junior year creeps along as students ready for major presentations in their classes. Advanced Scientific Research classes began their presentations last week and will not finish them until the last day of the semester. “These presentations are for students to tell me and their peers how they will begin their research during the spring semester,” ASR teacher Jennifer Johnson said.

ASR dives into presentations

Morgan Brown, Photographer, Reporter
December 4, 2017
Senior magnet students discuss their feelings about their Advanced Scientific Research presentations. Students began their research junior year and will be presenting them to the public early tomorrow morning. “I’m really stressed but I know it’ll go well and I’ll finally feel successful in magnet” senior Mackenzie Union said.

ASR anxiety

January 27, 2017
NC seniors take home prizes at Georgia Science and Engineering Fair

NC seniors take home prizes at Georgia Science and Engineering Fair

Riley O’Neill, Reporter, photographer, political cartoonist
April 13, 2016
Science Team: NC’s Science Team conquers another year of the Science Olympiad, “We really grew as a team because a lot of preparation was independent and Mrs.Tippens kept us on track, so it was a fun experience” says junior Ordonio.

Science team racks up awards at KSU

Nabila Pranto, Reporter, photographer
March 10, 2016
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