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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

	Seniors started off the new school year shocked by the amount of changes involving privileges. Although the majority of changes made seniors happy, like the courtyard becoming strictly for them, others left them upset, such as the removal of senior quotes. Seniors, excited about new things coming, prepare to take on the new year.

Seniors enjoy a privilege, accept a loss

Rachel Maxwell, Social Media Editor
August 28, 2018
While students sit outside during their lunch period, they roll up their sleeves in attempt to keep themselves cool in the sun. The temperature reached an astonishing 88 degrees outside and the week's forecast says nothing but rain will come after this past sunny weekend.

What time is it? (Summer time)

Isabella Keaton, Photographer, Reporter
May 14, 2018
Construction worker installs new cameras in the NC courtyard to keep more eyes on student activity. Administration shows more effort in preventing students from skipping class or wandering the halls. The new cameras allow the school to keep students safe and feel more protected.

Cameras in the courtyard

Isabella Keaton, Photographer, Reporter
October 30, 2017
	The anatomy class hit the courtyard in first period, taking their introduction into the material to a new and more interactive level. Students drew the anatomical depictions of the human body to practice the vocabulary they learned in their most recent lesson. “I decided to come up with [this activity] to get them out of the classroom and doing something different than just applying it on paper and practicing on their own,” anatomy teacher April Adams said.

Chalk it up to anatomy

January 19, 2017
Today during lunch, culinary students stood in the courtyard selling $2 grab and go Zoyo cups.

Zoyo to go

January 11, 2016
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