Pack your bags; we’re going to Hollywood

Exhibiting the “We’re going to Hollywood” theme, NC’s TC created an ingenious spin on the world famous Hollywood sign to motivate and inspire NC students participating in HoCo traditions.
September 27, 2018
After a month and a half of waiting, Tribal Connections (TC) released the 2018-19 Homecoming Week theme on September 11: “Welcome to Hollywood.” Unlike last year’s theme, LA to the ATL, which started in Los Angeles and went to Atlanta, the dance focuses on one location, Hollywood.
Besides just the theme, this year’s events differ slightly from last year’s. Instead of a men’s volleyball tournament, a dodgeball tournament for both boys and girls will take place on October 2. The tournament will attract a wider range of students throughout NC due to its gender inclusivity. Also, unlike previous years, students can nominate girls and boys for Homecoming Court. The senior class will have two boys and two girls on homecoming court, while all other grade levels will have one of each.
“Boys have always wanted to be included [in court], so this year we just decided to include them,” senior and Homecoming Court coordinator Kelsey Dotson said.
TC came up with the Homecoming theme at their annual summer retreat in July. This year, more than 20 TC members went to Unicoi State Lodge to plan Homecoming week. The trip also provided an opportunity for the members to bond as a cohesive unit and learn to work together. All in all, after the trip, TC members felt they had succeeded in creating another great homecoming theme.
“We used Google Forms and asked students for suggestions, then [we] picked the most popular one based off of what would have the best events,” senior and TC vice president Alizeta Guiera said.

As one of the many graphics TC members post, this simple schedule appears on a variety of social media outlets to spread the word about Homecoming dress-up days as well as the many events included in the week.
A major attraction of Homecoming, dress-up days follow along with the Homecoming theme of Hollywood with days including:
Monday (Tacky Tourist Day)
Like last year’s Tacky Tourist day in New Orleans, students can dress just as the name suggests, decked out in their best fanny packs, cargo shorts, and bulky cameras.
Tuesday (Meme Day)
This year marks the inaugural year of a co-ed dodgeball tournament which replaced the all men’s volleyball tournament. Six students may make up one team, with at least one person of each gender. In addition, each team member must pay a three dollar entry fee. TC hopes that this event will attract more students than the previous years’ tournaments.
“We wanted to switch it up, and we hadn’t done dodgeball in two or three years,” sophomore vice president and event coordinator Drew Dodd said.
During school, students can dress up as their favorite meme. Aside from their humor, memes can easily be made and shared. Various types of memes include Vines like Croissant Kid, Internet memes like Be Like Bill, and pop culture memes such as Odell Beckham Jr. and Black Panther.
“I’m most excited for Meme Day because it’s something new we haven’t done before,” sophomore Trina Pham said.
Wednesday (Rags to Riches)
Similar to last year’s Rags to Riches dress-up day, students have the option of dressing fancy or dressing in rags, while, of course, keeping the dress code in mind. Additionally, Screen on the Green will take place that evening. A great outing for a group of friends, Screen on the Green’s attendance never disappoints. A family-friendly event, students can bring their younger siblings to enjoy the movie and purchase concessions as well. The annual Chick-fil-A Cow Drop will happen right before the start of the movie. Those who buy a ticket will receive a number and a small stuffed cow with the same code. Then, before the movie begins, a helicopter will drop the plush cows onto the football field over a small inflatable pool. Whoever’s cow lands in the pool will win one year of free Chick-fil-A. Students and teachers can buy their tickets for fifty cents each.
Thursday (Stunt Double Day)
The Hollywood-themed twist on the popular “Twin Day” dress-up day encourages students to dress exactly like their actor counterparts.
The festivities continue that evening in Downtown Acworth for the Homecoming parade and block party. NC’s marching band, football team, and cheerleaders will participate in the long-awaited parade. Concessions, music, and entertaining family games never fail to fill the streets of Acworth.
Friday (Spirit Day)
Students can wear their NC gear to school on Friday. Towards the end of fourth period, an all-school pep rally will take place in the Arena to hype students up for the Homecoming football game against NC’s rivals, the Kennesaw Mountain Mustangs. During the pep rally, students will receive an introduction to the 2018-19 Homecoming Court, and during halftime at the football game that evening, the homecoming king and queen of the senior class will receive their crowns.
Saturday (Homecoming Dance)
The event most looked forward to by NC students, the Homecoming Dance will take place in the main cafeteria. TC worked tirelessly to make this a memorable conclusion of the week’s events. The dance will begin at 6 p.m. and last until 10 p.m., promising four hours of entertainment with friends that will make a lasting impression on students for the rest of the year.