Upcoming AP exams
With AP exams just days away, students should continue studying. Any students looking to cancel their exams must do so by Friday, May 14th. Any cancellations after that date will not receive a refund. Students should also remember to take advantage of teacher-held review sessions, their College Board accounts, and any other resources their teachers may recommend.
May 6, 2021
The option to register for AP exams closed on March 1, and exams began this week. Anyone who signed up to take an exam should continue their preparations. Students should not stress, but they should attempt to do their best and remain proud of their efforts regardless of their scores.
“When I get nervous about testing, I remind myself that panic is a mental obstacle. Panicking is not useful in any way. Also, the idea that I have studied in the past makes me feel more prepared for the exam,” Magnet sophomore Alison Bolanos said.
Useful ways of studying include attending review sessions hosted by teachers, watching YouTube videos, purchasing and reading AP exam books, and reviewing CollegeBoard expectations.
“To prepare myself for the AP exams, I create myself study guides that include the course’s main topics and discussions. Next, I like to memorize the outlines of the tests so that I feel more prepared. Lastly, I read the review books that are recommended by my teachers,” Bolanos said.
If students want to cancel their exams for any reason, they must log in to their Total Registration account and request a cancellation. Students who cancel their exams by Friday, May 14th will receive a full refund. Students and parents should keep in mind that late fees and any cancellations made after May 14th will not receive a refund.
Students possess the option to take their exams online or in person but should discuss that choice with their parents, since testing online warrants easier invalidation of test scores. Whether students partake in online learning or face-to-face, studying proves essential to doing well on the exams.
“Having online school has encouraged many companies to display more of their resources online. The similarity for both [online and face-to-face] is the idea that studying remains the sole responsibility of a student and is encouraged in order to pass the exam,” Bolanos said.