The Muffin Man returns

Jenny Loveland

With each passing day, another NC student hears the exciting news: Coach Adam Cogbill’s muffin cart has returned to the halls and courtyard of NC. With the help of Coaches Jeffrey Bettis and Matther Tener, muffin distribution has resumed, with COVID-19 safety precautions still in place. Regaining popularity from before the pandemic, the muffins need no advertisement besides three simple words: “We have muffins,” Bettis said.

Jenny Loveland, Co-Copy Editor

Throughout the beginning of the semester, the absence of Coach Adam Cogbill’s muffin cart in the halls stood out like a gaping hole in the school’s hallways. Everything else seemed to return to the “new normal”, but staff and students of NC found themselves missing the familiar muffins and smiles that Cogbill dealt with all who visited his cart. Although pandemic restrictions compelled Cogbill to halt the popular fundraiser for a while, muffin sales have finally resumed. Several staff and students who had frequently asked when the muffins would return found themselves delighted to hear the good news.

“I know a lot of the kids have missed the muffins while they were gone and I know it is a ton of work on the teachers that sell them, but I’m glad that they’re here for the kids [again.] I asked Cogbill directly if he was going to be selling [the muffins], [and I] kind of gave him a hard time saying that the kids have missed them while they were gone,” literature teacher Kathy Ezzell said.

 With the help of Ezzell and others who can easily access NC’s pipeline of information, the news of the muffins cart’s return quickly spread. The muffin’s high reputation also served them well, with nothing but positive reviews reaching NC students once again. To Cogbill’s delight, the demand continues to increase, providing hopes that it will return soon in full pre-pandemic force.

“We did 10 dozen [muffins] the first week and we sold out by Tuesday at about second block, and then we did 20 dozen last week and we sold out by Tuesday and second block. The demand is high,” Cogbill said.

Despite the popularity of the muffins, Cogbill has opted to keep the prices of the muffins low at just $2 per giant muffin. This price remains consistent with the pre-pandemic cost, and while muffin sales last, students continue to flock to the carts. Recently, Cogbill began selling the muffins from the courtyard, reaching more students than ever.

“I haven’t bought [a muffin] since sophomore year, but I think it’s nice that he’s selling them in a more accessible spot so he can better support his club,” senior Gabby Mitchell said.

The club, the Technology Student Association (TSA), and the classes Cogbill teaches offer students opportunities to explore hands-on STEM skills. Both the club and the classes benefit directly from muffin money. Additionally, money from selling the muffins will now go to the wrestling team as well. Wrestling coach and AP World History teacher Jeffery Bettis has begun selling muffins, making him the third muffin salesman besides Cogbill and Programming and Information Science teacher Matthew Tener. This new arrangement helps take the weight of buying, individually packaging, and selling dozens of muffins each week off of Cogbill and Tener’s shoulders.

While concerns surrounding the ongoing pandemic remain, Cogbill’s careful process of preparing the muffins remains as safe as possible, with no adaptation needed for current times.

“We wore gloves before, we’re wearing gloves again, to wrap [the muffins.] In the mornings we clean the area to be able to wrap so that hasn’t changed much, but we’re still accepting cash. So the process didn’t change a whole lot,” Cogbill said.

The warm homecoming NC provided to the muffin carts has led the three coaches to look forward to the future of the muffin market with bright hopes. Younger students have begun to learn how to track down a muffin cart in the mornings, and faculty and older students have returned once more to purchasing muffins for breakfast. Slowly, the ecosystem of NC heals with each muffin sold.