“Moana 2,” the sequel to 2016’s beloved “Moana,” premiered November 27, 2024, capturing the hearts of now-grown individuals who view the original film as a nostalgic piece of their childhood. Released in turn with what media currently recognizes as “Glicked” — the simultaneous release of “Wicked” and “Gladiator II” — “Moana 2” occupied high expectations at the box office upon its release the day before Thanksgiving. As a classic Walt Disney princess — the 12th classic Disney princess — Moana, daughter of Chief Tui, continues her original storyline following the Motunui tribe noted in the first movie.
Featuring the recurring characters from the original movie, the plot of “Moana 2” pursues Moana’s journey to Oceania after her wayfinding ancestors unexpectedly call for her, bringing her into an adventure within the harsh currents of the mysterious, yet familiar ocean. “Moana 2” reprises the voiced role of Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson as Maui, and Auli’i Cravalho as Moana, tying in aspects of the first movie. However, “Moana 2” assures viewers a different and exciting viewing experience, from new music to a novel storyline and twist on the primary plot — especially since Moana exists as one of the limited number of Disney princesses without a love interest.
From the first look at the first movie, watchers recognized a newer position on the classic Disney movie. Without a goal to end in a happily-ever-after marriage, Moana’s plot focuses on adventure and the treasure of family, using songs to carry out the purpose. Moana, a young Polynesian woman part of the Motunui tribe, introduces a brand new culture and family situation, vastly different compared to the original Disney princess movies.
“Watching it on Thanksgiving had a lot of sentiment with me since the movie itself ties to native culture. Although island culture and people aren’t exactly Native American culture, the sense of ethnicity is still there. I loved the movie overall with the visuals, it was just lacking a bit musically,” senior JP Garcia said.
The plot introduces two new so-called villains, Nalo and Matangi, leading Moana to face a world of troubles. This sequel to the unique film further brings recognition to Moana’s powers and her eventual rise to become a demigod after her dramatized death scare. Items and themes from the first movie also carry through to the sequel, particularly through her use of the oar as the source of her powers. In both movies, a strong connection remains between Moana and her family, and the community of her tribe, truly showing the power of the ocean and love.
“The movie takes a different direction than the first one with Moana having people join her this time on her journey on the sea. This shows a little risk considering the fact that people really only liked Moana for the silly energy she and Maui had in the first one. My favorite part of the movie is more of the character that she brings along on her journey to help her modify the boat, Loto. She seems to be a representation of someone giddy and seeing that representation in a sequel to a movie was really resonating even if it’s really common in today’s world,” Garcia said.
As 2024 comes to an end, a new year full of fresh movies awaits avid film-watchers. Disney’s 2025 releases continue to stun the world of film, and will surely push individuals into the theaters time and time again, especially with the notable teaser of future sequels at the end of “Moana 2.” Classic Moana lovers will also receive further satisfaction with the release of the live-action adaptation ”Moana” set to release in July 2026.
The Chant’s score: A