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Protest in pink

The pivotal roles 36 women played in social movements
Historically, women have faced discrimination worldwide, but in the face of this continued struggle, Women’s History Month allows onlookers to reflect on the diverse ways ladies have impacted society through their leadership in social movements.

Additional images courtesy  of, Britannica, ELLE and Library of Congress “Women of Protest.”
Historically, women have faced discrimination worldwide, but in the face of this continued struggle, Women’s History Month allows onlookers to reflect on the diverse ways ladies have impacted society through their leadership in social movements. Additional images courtesy of, Britannica, ELLE and Library of Congress “Women of Protest.”
Rosalyn Schwanke
Gloria Steinem
Gloria Steinem

American journalist and social-political activist Gloria Steinem, referred to publicly as the “Mother of Feminism” intensely impacted the women’s liberation movement throughout history. As a highly accomplished woman, co-founder of the Ms. Magazine movement as well as member of numerous feminist groups, Steinem has travelled internationally to share her passion and angst, through speaking, writing and organizing outlets for information alike. Amongst her several roles and accomplishments within society, she notably persevered against anti-abortion protests and movements, paving the way for a new era of feminism and women’s rights.

Steinem first co-found the National Women’s Political Caucus (NWPC) and also worked to additionally co-found the Unite for Reproductive and Gender Equity (URGE) as well as the Voters for Choice (VFC) — which later joined with the Planned Parenthood Action Fund. These organizations all advocate for reproductive rights and bodily autonomy alike. This even further led to URGE’s Abortion Positive Tour, which allowed for education and open conversation regarding abortion.

“I think it is really important to speak up for what you believe in especially during Women’s History Month. So many women have struggled so deeply in order to provide safe access to abortion and contraceptives for everyone. They’ve spoken up in times of fear and crisis which I find very inspiring. Especially in this political environment, it is important that everyone stays educated and up to date on current issues and I hope that eventually abortion will be viewed as what it truly is, healthcare,” magnet junior Avery Moore said.

While advocating for women’s rights in general, Steinem focused on pro-choice activism, leading her to produce numerous works including “The Moral Disarmament of Betty Coed” which in depth described and explored contraceptive pills and access to them. Additionally, coining the term reproductive freedom, she has contributed multiple strides toward bringing light to systematic issues regarding women and their rights over their own bodies.

Continuing to fight for these ideas even as she grows older, Steinem lived through both Roe v. Wade and the reversal, Dobbs v. Jackson which fueled her passion to fight for what she believes in. As reproductive rights face ongoing changes from the law, Steinem — amongst others — continues to campaign and use her voice to stand up against opposition to women’s rights.

Delores Clara Fernandez Huerta
Delores Clara Fernandez Huerta

In the 20th century, co-founder of the United Farm Workers Association (UFW), Delores Clara Fernandez Huerta, became an influential labor activist and a leader of the Chicano civil rights movement. Before her growth into an activist, Huerta’s grandfather helped raise the young woman and her two brothers while her mother juggled jobs as a waitress and cannery worker. After saving up enough money, Huerta’s mother bought a hotel and restaurant, which she used to aid people in need. Huerta’s mother’s community activism and compassionate treatment of workers empowered her daughter’s ambition for the labor fight.

  During Huerta’s childhood years, she faced discrimination which also helped shape her journey in changing union rights. As a school student, a teacher accused Huerta of cheating because her papers seemed too well-written. Later in her life, she received an associate’s degree in teaching from the University of the Pacific’s Delta College. When she briefly became a schoolteacher in the 1950s, she saw a multitude of underprivileged farm children coming to school. Huerta thought she could do something to help by organizing farmers and farm workers. In 1955, Huerta began her career as an activist when she co-founded the Stockton chapter of the Community Service Organization (CSO), which led voter registration drives and fought for economic improvements for Hispanics. Alongside the CSO, Huerta contributed to other powerful groups such as the Agricultural Workers Association.

“Back in the ‘70s and ‘80s, the expectations were different. Women were seen as certain jobs such as a secretary or a teacher but even in these careers, we had to do double the work to be seen or recognized. Now we can do all types of ‘male-dominated’ fields even in the leadership positions which is a huge step forward from back when I was working,” NC grandparent Marian Hollenburger said.

At 93, Dolores Huerta continues to work endlessly — developing leaders and advocating for the working class.. As founder and president of the Dolores Huerta Foundation, she travels across the country to engage in campaigns and influence legislation that supports equality and defends civil rights. Huerta continues to show individuals that they can build personal power by taking responsibility and cooperating to create the changes needed to improve their and other’s lives. In response to Huerta’s efforts, a diverse group of people can now come forward and advocate for themselves when needed, especially the women in the workforce.

Dr. Susan la Flesche Picotte
Dr. Susan la Flesche Picotte

In the latter half of the 1800s, the American idea of Manifest Destiny had taken its toll on Native American groups. White settlers stretched along railroad tracks from Tennessee to Oregon and forced tribal communities into shrinking reservations and territories unless they agreed to assimilate. At this time, Indigenous groups’ traditional healing practices faced suppression. Additionally, they frequently lacked access to Western medical care — an issue which persists to this day — and any obtained access left them at the mercy of White doctors, who rarely prioritized Native clientele. In educational opportunities, Native Americans, especially women, tended to face discrimination, furthering struggles to access healthcare. 

Dr. Susan la Fleshe Picotte, a member of the Omaha tribe from Nebraska, became the first Native American woman to earn a medical degree in 1889. As a child, she watched an Omaha woman die after a White doctor denied her care. This tragic event sparked her desire to become a doctor, a profession practiced by Omaha women for years in healing roles, but not with the education and practices she went on to learn. She attended the Woman’s Medical College of Pennsylvania with the monetary assistance of family friend, anthropologist and women’s rights activist Alice Fletcher as well as the Connecticut Indian Association, leading the pioneering doctor to graduate as valedictorian. She went on to faithfully serve over 1200 people in her reservation.

“As a woman, she was another example that women can have higher education and higher leadership roles. Especially because she was not white, she was Native, so it’s another form of discrimination that she had to go against to get that leadership position. She saved the people from her tribe and helped their generation continue, and she inspired others to pursue higher education,” magnet junior Alexandra Spradling said.

When not saving lives in her private Nebraska practice, la Flesche advanced temperance campaigns and laws. Alcoholism plagued Native communities at the time, so her desire to protect her culture and her community’s public health motivated her actions to counteract the addiction. Through her trailblazing actions, la Flesche opened the doors for Native women and girls to receive higher education and actively worked against the public health crises that plagued her tribe.

Lydia Maria Child
Lydia Maria Child

Lydia Maria Child, considered one of the principal American female writers of the 19th century, dedicated her life and work to fighting for minorities and underrepresented groups through literature.  Child exemplified an extraordinary ability to identify the wants of the American population and translate those sentiments into her novels.

Born in Medford, Massachusetts in 1802 as one of six children, Child lost her mother at the age of twelve. Throughout her adolescent years, she lived in Norridgewock, Maine. There, she became exposed to Native American life and realized her passion for standing with minority groups. At age nineteen she moved back to Massachusetts and began to write her first book “Hobomok, A Tale of Early Times,” which offered a woman’s perspective of American history. 

Child worked as an author, abolitionist and women’s rights activist. Her notable book titled “An Appeal in Favor of that Class of Americans Called Africans” advocated for the immediate emancipation of enslaved people. Child stood as an esteemed author, publishing novels, historical works, children’s literature and articles on various social issues. 

Child tremendously impacted the abolition movement and convinced numerous people to join the cause in fighting for freedom for African Americans. Her literary contributions helped to spread awareness of the movement and shed light on the perspectives of minority groups in America.

“I love how Lydia Maria Child advocated for many groups of oppressed people, even groups that she did not fall into. She made a gigantic impact on the U.S. and helped African Americans and women gain equal rights. She spoke up to injustices all throughout her life and did all that she could to make a strong impact for powerless minority groups,” magnet junior Savannah Rader said.

Helen Keller
Helen Keller

As the first deaf and blind woman to graduate from Radcliffe College, Helen Keller created a positive image for the disabled with her accomplishments. Not only did Keller become an icon for the advocacy of the disabled, but she also worked as an author. Keller communicated with her palms —learning about the world through her teacher, spelling in Keller’s palm. These achievements proved to society what someone both deaf and blind can accomplish.

Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt

With undeniable courage and compassion, Eleanor Roosevelt advocated for unsung populations of refugees, women, people of color and queer citizens from the 1920s until her death in the 1960s. Through her platform as the First Lady to Franklin Delanor Roosevelt (FDR), Eleanor fiercely called for human rights in America — including rights for citizens with non-heterosexual orientations.

Born October 11, 1884, in New York City, Roosevelt’s mother and father both passed away from diphtheria and alcoholism, respectively, before she turned ten. Under the care of Mary Livingston Ludlow Hall, Roosevelt’s grandmother, she practiced holding empathy for the less fortunate. The loss of her parents and the guidance of her grandmother influenced Roosevelt’s attitude of kindness, paving the way for her future of human rights advocacy. 

Roosevelt married FDR, her fifth cousin once removed, in 1905 after two years of engagement. Upon FDR’s rise to the presidency in 1932, Roosevelt became the First Lady, allowing her the opportunity to speak out for minorities louder than ever before. Eleanor worked as nothing less than a fierce human rights activist, working closely with lesbian Lorena Hickok: a successful journalist for the Associated Press. This partnership resulted in representation and advocacy for minorities, including that of the queer community. 

After her husband died in 1945, Roosevelt became a delegate to the United Nations (UN) and acted as the first chairman of the Commission on Human Rights, playing a vital role in devising the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Upon securing stable civil liberties, the queer community of America experienced massive progress toward a bright future of equality. Roosevelt paved the way for people of all sexualities to exist without fear of discrimination, securing future generations of queer individuals with well-deserved safety and joy. 

“[Eleanor Roosevelt] cared about the individual person. She aided people’s rights to vote and have stable incomes, and especially moving forward the civil rights of the LGBTQ community. When she advocated for job security for [people other than] white males, she created a gateway into LGBTQ rights later in the seventies. [If I could say anything to her now,] I would say help us,” magnet junior Deborah Abraham said.

Marina Silva
Marina Silva

Marina Silva, a Brazilian environmentalist and politician, has led efforts in climate activism and rainforest conservation for decades. Born in the Amazon Rainforest region, she witnessed the challenges of deforestation firsthand and committed her career to environmental protection. As Brazil’s Minister of the Environment from 2003 to 2008, she enforced stricter policies, expanded monitoring efforts, and promoted sustainable development. These initiatives significantly reduced deforestation, strengthening Brazil’s role in global climate leadership.

Even after leaving the ministry, Silva continued advocating for stronger environmental protections on national and international platforms. She opposed policies that weakened conservation efforts and spoke against agribusiness expansion in the Amazon. During multiple presidential campaigns, she prioritized climate policies and promoted a sustainable economy that balanced development with conservation. Despite political obstacles, her influence kept environmental issues central to Brazil’s national agenda.

Silva’s work gained global recognition as she partnered with international organizations to push for stronger climate commitments. She attended climate summits, urging world leaders to adopt ambitious strategies against deforestation and carbon emissions. Her expertise and dedication established her as a respected leader in environmental governance.

In 2023, she accepted the role of Brazil’s Minister of the Environment once again under President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, facing the urgent task of reversing rising deforestation rates. Her leadership now plays a crucial role in repairing environmental damage and ensuring Brazil meets its climate goals. Silva’s lifelong commitment to climate action continues to shape policies and inspire global sustainability efforts.

“Women’s History Month is important because women are the backbone of America. Women are constantly criticized for their empathy, but that empathy is helping save our climate. We also have been fighting for our rights for basically the entirety of the creation of time, and now we are fighting for the rights of our planet,” magnet junior Kassidy Brown said.

Christina Jiménez
Christina Jiménez

Facing challenges as an undocumented immigrant, Christina Jiménez has founded numerous activist groups to advocate for immigrant rights. Supported by her awards, Jiménez’s work has earned recognition for her dedication to fighting for justice and equality, lastingly impacting the immigrant community. Her work inspires countless activists to fight for immigrant rights. 

Jane Addams
Jane Addams

Jane Addams, a pioneer for social activism and education reform in the late 1800s, campaigned for enhanced conditions for health and welfare, specifically in the realm of education. As a well-known advocate in the women’s suffrage movement, Addams and social reformer Ellen Gates Starr visited the Toynbee Hall settlement house in London and quickly grew in admiration for building their own residence to open up schooling opportunities for children and a home for immigrants. 

This residence, the Hull House, began as a kindergarten for young children of all genders, races and ethnicities, which expanded as their funds increased. At first, the Hull House helped provide shelter for immigrants in need in the Halsted Street area but later grew to provide further educational opportunities for secondary and college level education, as well as civil rights classes. Addams helped advocate for these individuals by purchasing 12 other buildings, a playground for young children, and eventually, a camp near Lake Geneva in Wisconsin. Other amenities such as a nursery, gymnasium, community kitchen and a boarding club for working girls stirred up the working class for women. 

“Jane Addams is an influential figure for Women’s History Month because of her advocacy for women’s rights. She worked tirelessly to secure the right to vote for women, as well as better working conditions for women in factories and improved educational opportunities. Addams’ work was deeply rooted in the idea of community organizing and empowering women and marginalized people to take action for their rights,” sophomore Leondria Henderson said. 

Through Addams’ various efforts, she authored numerous books, including “Twenty Years at Hull House,” in which she described her journey in creating the settlement house. Through the formation of the Hull House and her other stand-out achievements for women at the time, Addams also received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931 for her determination to revive the ideal of peace within America — she remains the second American woman to obtain this honor. 

Now, Addams projects continue to strive in modern society such as the Jane Addams Hull House Museum which aims to connect stories of social transformation to the present times, in hopes of showcasing her legacy for generations to come. 

Elisabeth Elliot
Elisabeth Elliot

A reformer of missions, a spreader of the Gospel, an encourager of millions. Elisabeth Elliot, an author and missionary, inspired the world with her story, which she wrote about in her collection of books including “Through Gates of Splendor,” “Shadow of the Almighty” and “The Savage My Kinsmen.” As a missionary unafraid of risks and devoted to evangelism, Elliot reformed the way American citizens see women missionaries.

In January 1956, Elliot’s first husband and four other missionaries set out to evangelize to unreached tribes in Ecuador, with the goal of reaching the Huaorani Indian people group. Though Elliot and her late husband had traveled to Ecuador for mission work before, the tribe speared all five missionaries to death due to the invasion of their culture and independent privacy. Elliot remained riddled with sadness, but her astounding faith in God brought her through the trial and helped her write her first major work, “Through Gates of Splendor.”

However, instead of succumbing to the difficulty of her grief, Elliot rose above. Through her experience at Wheaton College studying Classical Greek with aims to become a Bible translator, Elliot used her linguistic knowledge to learn Huao, the language of the Huaorani. Two years after her husband’s death, Elliot, her daughter Valerie and another deceased missionary’s sister traveled back to Ecuador in a further attempt to reach the group that killed their families. Driven by their faith and a desire to spread the love of God, the three women lived among the tribe, learning their culture and customs and becoming part of their world. During this time, she published her second book — “Shadow of the Almighty” — a collection of her husband’s missionary stories.

In the next decade, Elliot’s work began to bear the fruits of progress; numerous tribe members began to turn to Christianity, accepting Christ as their God. In this astounding turn of events, Elliot reframed societal ideals on women in the missionary field. Her knowledge of and love for foreign cultures helped shape the way society views international evangelism and the importance of bold faith, especially for female Christian missionaries. 

As she continued to publish countless books and even contributed to the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible, she continuously lived exemplary faith and reformed the idea of international Christian outreach. Her life story and writings inspire Christians to this day and encourage people to boldness in their mission work. Not only did she live out evangelism in an extraordinary way, but she sustained the life-changing work of her husband, Jim. As Women’s History Month presses on to recognize the ladies who changed the world. Elliot stands as an example of conviction, perseverance and faith — ultimately reforming ideals regarding the importance of women in the missions field and in the overall Kingdom of God.

“I think women are vital to global mission work because they can reach other women who may be in the same stage of life on a deeper level. They can bring so many different gifts like compassion and relatability to the people they witness to because women care for others well and feel empathy towards people they know need the Gospel. But they can also bring practical skills like being an interpreter that help foster the Gospel’s spread globally,” magnet junior Nadia Guthrie said.

Marsha P. Johnson
Marsha P. Johnson

A notable activist and self-identified drag queen, Marsha P. Johnson uplifted transgender women and queer youth through tireless advocacy. Co-founding the Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries (STAR), she fought for housing and safety for those in need. Her role in the Stonewall riots and AIDS activism cemented her as a crucial figure in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer + (LGBTQ+) history. Marsha’s legacy of resilience and kindness fuels ongoing struggles for trans liberation.  Johnson died under mysterious circumstances July 6, 1992; her body shockingly appeared in the Hudson River near the Christopher Street Pier. Initially ruled a suicide by police, her death sparked controversy, as friends and activists questioned this conclusion, citing past threats and violence against her. Years later, renewed investigations and activism led authorities to reclassify the case as undetermined. Despite her untimely death, Johnson’s legacy continues to inspire the fight for transgender rights and justice for marginalized communities.

“She’s [Johnson is] so cool and an awesome activist Honestly, [1969] was a really bad year for violence against the LGBTQ+ community, and it is unfortunate to say the [hate crime] numbers haven’t really gone down as much as we would think. So she is so brave for being authentically herself and her death, whether it truly be a suicide or foul play, will be mourned,” junior Zackary Cooper said.

Susan B. Anthony
Susan B. Anthony

Susan B. Anthony, born February 15, 1820 in Massachusetts, contributed heavily to the women’s suffrage movement. This movement focused on women’s ability to vote and women’s overall rights, beginning in 1847 and ending in the 1920s. Anthony’s contribution remains remembered as she partook in the Anti-Slavery Society, where her job consisted of writing speeches, organizing meetings and distributing pamphlets to spread her messages. 

Anthony’s early life seemed simple yet impactful, where she learned to read and write at the age of three. In 1826, her family moved from Massachusetts to New York, where she attended a district school before switching to a boarding school. As a young adult, Anthony met leading abolitionists such as Frederick Douglass, Parker Pillsbury, Wendell Phillips, William Henry Channing and William Lloyd Garrison, which introduced her to the scene she would later succeed in. In 1815, Anthony met Elizabeth Cady Stanton, a like-minded woman who caused Anthony’s interest and support for abolitionism to grow and expand to become part of the women’s suffrage movement. 

“I think Susan B. Anthony was an incredible woman. I think she was able to stand in front of adversity without fear. She still continued supporting what she thought was right and what she believed even through her struggles and I think that’s admirable. She had grit, perseverance, and she was able to push through. I think she even inspires so many women today,” magnet sophomore Anyanna Ekpechi said. 

In addition, she took part in the Women’s National Loyal League which helped the urge of emancipation and became the corresponding secretary of the newly formed American Equal Rights Association. Anthony achieved heights with her impact as she took the role of president in the National Woman’s suffrage association and paved the way for the 19th amendment of the constitution, proving that her dedicated work paid off in the end. 

Albertina Sisulu
Albertina Sisulu

After Apartheid began in 1948, Black South Africans sought to reform the racist systems that oppressed them for years. Several notable activists emerged from this era, such as former South African President Nelson Mandela and anthropologist David Webster. However, a strong force behind genuine change in the suppressive systems of Apartheid came from the adept women either behind the scenes or on the frontlines. Albertina Sisulu, one of those influential leaders, came into the political realm through her husband, Walter Sisulu, during the early 1940s. Once Apartheid took on a stronghold in her country, Sisulu knew that her activism represented the clearest path forward to changing the world around her. 

“Women are very critical and important, and not to be overlooked because they made a huge impact in the movement. They continue to speak up and find ways to be heard, and not feel ashamed to express themselves in the South African government. [The presence of South African female activists] can inspire other women to not be afraid, and fight for change they believe as well,” magnet senior Neneh Bah said.

Born Nontsikelelo Sisulu, she chose the name Albertina after attending a Presbyterian school as a child. After attending Mariazell College on a full-ride scholarship, she became a nurse during the early days of Apartheid. Although she loved her job — and used her wages to help support her family — Sisulu experienced her fair share of racism from patients and co-workers. She became the first woman to attend the inaugural African National Congress Youth League after her transition into politics. As she progressed throughout her career, she became a leader in the Federation of South African Women (FEDSAW), where she helped organize the 1956 Anti-Pass Women’s March to oppose restrictive Bantu education. Once the African National Congress (ANC) began to accept women into their organization, she joined the ANC’s Women’s League.

Sisulu’s activism often arises in conversations about unassuming yet uplifting strategies to foster change. In 1976, the Mother of the Nation led student organizers in droves to join Umkhonto we Sizwe, the parliamentary wing of the ANC and encouraged people to engage in training camps in other African states. After the launch of the United Democratic Front, Sisulu also assumed a role as one of the three national presidents; at the time, however, she faced a prison sentence in solitary confinement due to her political activity. Her sentencing elicited international outcry, which contributed to her early release. Following the death of her husband in 2003, Sisulu continued her international outreach, while simultaneously caring for her five children and 26 grandchildren. Despite her death June 3, 2011, she remains a pivotal figure for spearheading the presence of women and youth in South African activism. 

Jeannette Rankin
Jeannette Rankin

  Jeannette Rankin, an American politician and women’s rights activist, fought for anti-war policies and eventually became the first woman to hold federal office in the U.S.. In her younger years, when she exercised her skills through social work, Rankin strongly contributed to the women’s suffrage movement. Her involvement in marches, protests and speeches allowed her to spread awareness and eventually win the congressional election in 1916.

      During her time in office, Rankin focused on preventing war. In 1917, before World War One, Rankin and only 49 other congress members voted against joining the war. Rankin held pacifist beliefs that she showed through her votes and actions. She voiced her opinions on this matter with her famous quote and furthermore campaigned pledges against war. Rankin campaigned through the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) where she eventually rose to prominent fame. 

In 1941, after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Rankin showcased immense bravery when she voted against World War Two. Following the attack, the U.S. government responded in anger and voted to join the war, leaving Rankin as the only vote against it. Her opposing vote resulted in criticism, but Rankin continued her pacifist ideals. She remained an advocate for peace even decades later during the Vietnam War.

January 15, 1968, Rankin, at 87 years old, brought together thousands of women to march through Washington. Rankin, inspired by Mahatma Gandhi’s peaceful protests, decided to organize a group of 5,000 women who wanted America out of Vietnam. The women planned to present an anti-war petition to John W. McCormack, the Speaker Of The House, to try to incite change. Wives chose to wear black to display their worries for their fighting husbands while other women wore bright colors to symbolize power and a changing role for women.  Although little development resulted from this march, it gave numerous women the courage to speak up for their thoughts and beliefs. 

“Women’s History Month is imperative to celebrate across the U.S., for it stands as a symbol of progression as a society: women can now vote, get a job and cash in their own checks. Women who stepped up for women’s rights remain the most admirable and in every field. From women like Jeannette Rankin who paved the war for anti-war efforts, to all the efforts for women’s reproductive health continue to inspire generations,” magnet junior Diya Mohan said. 

Ingrid Newkirk
Ingrid Newkirk

Coming from a charitable background, and with her mother constantly volunteering for the Mother Teresa foundation, Ingrid Newkirk knew her place in the world as a young girl. Newkirk first started volunteering as her first job, where she packaged pills for those suffering from leprosy. She also stuffed toys for orphaned children and fed stray animals, introducing her to the idea that everyone deserves comfort and care.

In 1970, at the age of 21, Newkirk and her husband’s neighbor abandoned several of their kittens. Concerned with the circumstances, the young couple decided to take these pets to their local animal shelter where Ingrid’s life changed forever. Surprised with the condition of the shelter and with the number of animals checked in, Newkirk began cleaning and organizing pet shelters while simultaneously investigating animal cruelty cases as her first official job.

During her investigations, she discovered and rescued a fox and squirrel trapped in steel animal traps and animals starving on a farm. After inspecting several laboratories and animal circuses, Newkirk realized she needed to sponsor an organization that did not require such dire investigation solely for the protection of animals, hence her creation of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).

PETA serves as a nonprofit organization to gather attention to animals suffering in various locations around the world, specifically laboratories, the food industry, the clothing trade and the entertainment business. As the lead animal liberation organization in the world, and with nine million members, PETA successfully aids in the rescue of animals that suffer crude treatment. Newkirk serves as a prime role model in the world of animal rights. As a former deputy sheriff, director of cruelty investigations and chief of animal disease control, Newkirk proves a woman can succeed in their passions. 

“I had never heard about Ingrid Newkirk until this month. She’s accomplished so much throughout her life and she continues to make an impact. I never knew that people cared so much about animals to dedicate their lives to them. I’m happy that there is a strong woman who is caring for animals throughout the world,” senior David Achamaja said.

Angela Davis
Angela Davis

Angela Yvonne Davis embodies an American political activist, professor and author who served as an active member of the Black Panther African American Organization. She gained national attention in the 1970s for her involvement with the Black Panther Party and her subsequent imprisonment. Davis continues to remain a vocal advocate for prison reform and racial equality and women’s equality.

“Angela Davis; I love her work. Her impact on the Black community and Black women was tremendous. I remember learning about her story when I was a kid and feeling amazed,” NC alumni Samantha Pratt said.

Paulette Nardal
Paulette Nardal

Born in Martinique, France, Paulette Nardal became the first Black woman to attend the prestigious University of Sorbonne. Through her prowess as a writer and an active member of the suffragist movement, Nardal cemented herself as an inspirational historical figure. Throughout the duration of World War Two WWII, black French women played a key role in the opposition to fascism. Nardal specifically ordered a call to arms against fascism in the 1930s and published multiple works about the struggle of Black people in France and their war on fascism. 

Nardal’s first publication, “Negritude,” touched on topics of racial and gender equality, however, most notably she commented on the fascism plaguing the world during her prime. After her first publication, Nardal became the co-founder of the Ethiopian Action Committee, which called black people to stand together against the fascism they faced in Africa. Because of the heavy European presence in Africa, various countries fell prey to the claws of fascists — however, Nardal did not take these problems lightly. She published another work called “Levee Des Races,” another commentary on the effects of fascism and a call to arms for the black community. 

Nardal passed at age 88 in 1985 after a long and fulfilling life filled with social and political activism. Through her influential writing and fresh philosophical thoughts, Nardal permanently impacted the war on fascism in a positive way. Her love for freedom and consistent participation in protests placed Nardal on her own pedestal in history, cementing her as a unique and outspoken woman who set an example for everyone facing adversity. 

Women’s History Month impacts me because it highlights historically important women that I would not have found out about otherwise. Learning about the contributions of women throughout history gives me hope that the future will not be solely focused on men. I love what Paulette Nardal accomplished through encouraging women to embrace their race and gender and fight against oppression, which is something I can see inspiring women for years to come,” sophomore Sade Fakorede said.

Fannie Lou Hamer
Fannie Lou Hamer

Born October 6, 1917, Fannie Lou Hamer lived as a sharecropper with her parents and 19 siblings. Until she turned 18, she worked on a plantation in Montgomery County, Missouri. In the summer of 1962, Hamer began involvement in the Civil Rights Movement by joining the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). Following encouragement by SNCC, she and 17 other members traveled to Indianola, Iowa’s county courthouse, to register to vote. During the registry, she and her fellow members faced harassment and persecution by local and state law enforcement; only she and one other member, Dorie Ladner, managed to register.

Following the registry, Hamer lost her job and residence at the cotton plantation. Rather than backing down on her decision, she rose to the position of community organizer for SNCC, determined to continue her push for equality. With the help of Ella Baker and Bob Moses, she founded the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, created in order to oppose the White-ran democratic party. Despite losing the primary, her speeches and appearance helped spread awareness on the issue of civil rights from Mississippi to the whole country.

Throughout her involvement in the Civil Rights Movement, she faced adversity and hardship. She faced threats, insults and an assassination attempt by white supremacists in 1962. In 1963, police arrested her and other protesters in Winona, Mississippi, where two prisoners in the prison severely beat her to the point of permanent kidney damage.

“Fannie Lou Hamer helped lay the groundwork for women’s voting rights in the U.S. Her role in several different civil rights groups proves how committed she was to securing equality for all. Hamer stands as a symbol for perseverance in the push for equality and voting rights,” magnet junior Idong Okpok said.

Following her diagnosis of breast cancer in 1976, Hamer chose to continue her involvement in the civil rights movement. She passed away at a hospital in Mound Bayou, Mississippi on March 14, 1977. Hamer’s funeral garnered crowds of supporters across the U.S., with a special eulogy stated by then U.S. delegate for the United Nations (UN) Andrew Young Jr. Young recognized Hamer’s feats in the movement, stating that the movement managed to gain national attention and traction through the effort and sacrifice of activists such as Hamer.

Elizabeth Shuler
Elizabeth Shuler

Elizabeth H. Shuler, the President of The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), carries on as a visionary leader and longtime trade unionist. The organization democratically unifies 63 national and international unions that represent over 15 million working people. Since Shuler became the president of the organization, she has ushered in immense growth and expansion in the company. Shuler sees the labor movement as the single powerful vehicle for progress, and she believes that unions remain a central force in leading lasting societal transformations. As a woman of influence, Shuler continues to commit to busting myths about labor, leveraging the labor movement’s diversity for innovative approaches to social justice and forging the benefits of a union voice for working people everywhere.

At the age of 11, Liz Shuler unknowingly showcased an interest in the organization of the labor union when she worked as a babysitter and tried matching her earnings with her friends. This interest in labor rights seemed fitting considering her parents’ career choices: her father worked as a power lineman at Portland General Electric and her mother operated in the estimator position in the company’s service and design department. Shuler joined her parents’ business and she attempted to form a union among her fellow clerical workers. Even though she did not succeed on the first try, Shuler realized her place in the labor movement.

“Women in the workplace have come a long way, even though it’s not perfect now, but compared to a few decades ago it’s way better. One of the major things that has changed for the better is the opportunities that we get when it comes to jobs, like equal pay for equal work even though it’s not yet possible everywhere. I know that it’s not a total playing field yet, but some things are definitely way better for women in the workplace than they used to be,” sophomore Ava Lewis said.

In 1993, Shuler joined the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers as an organizer, stacking up the achievements of organizing political victories as she continued to work her way through the ranks. By 2009, she became the first woman elected as secretary-treasurer at the AFL-CIO aiding, then-president, Richard Trumka to lead the sizable federation. After Trumka’s unexpected death, Shuler dealt with the loss harshly, in part because the leader passed away at a moment when the labor movement started gaining power with a wave of strikes. Shuler then succeeded Trumka, creating history as the first woman elected president of the federation. As a leader, Shuler continues to push her cause across the nation. 


Sojourner Truth
Sojourner Truth

Sojourner Truth remains an extremely important member of the abolition movement and created a tremendous impact in U.S. history by speaking out against slavery and advocating for freedom and equality. Her foundational contributions shaped the fight for human rights and significantly worked to improve the U.S.

Truth, originally named Isabella Baumfree, grew up in Ulster County, New York as one of 11 children of enslaved parents. She spent her childhood years enslaved on the estate of Johannes Hardenburgh and then later Charles Hardenburgh until her freedom in 1827 by the New York Gradual Abolition Act. Truth went on to work towards abolishing slavery by delivering powerful speeches, including her iconic “Ain’t I a Woman?” address.

Truth worked as a human rights activist and fought tirelessly to protect African American rights and women’s rights. She repeatedly engaged with influential figures in order to gain a platform to speak up about injustices. She helped countless enslaved people to escape and made significant contributions to the women’s rights movement. Additionally, Truth helped to recruit thousands of supporters for the abolition movement by helping them to align their Christian values and beliefs to the fight. She also helped recruit Black soldiers during the Civil War and worked for the National Freedman’s Relief Association.

“Sojourner Truth’s legacy has continued to live on and I believe she’s such an important figure to remember. She was so significant throughout the abolitionist movement and argument for women’s rights. I think it continues to be important that we remember these parts of history and especially the people such as Sojourner Truth who advocated and fought for such vital causes,” magnet junior Seren Witschy said.

Edith Windsor
Edith Windsor

Edith “Eddie” Windsor, known notoriously for suing the federal government for legal recognition of gay marriage, remains an icon. Her tireless work to establish equal human rights, especially concerning marriage liberties cements this status. With frank and courageous actions, Windsor played a crucial role in normalizing and protecting those in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer and non-binary or sexual confirming community (LGBTQIA+) and helped to clear a path toward a non-discriminating future for all — regardless of whom an individual may love.

Windsor’s motives in her fight for marital freedom originate partially from her own love life with psychologist Thea Spyer. Spyer proposed to Windsor in 1967 with a diamond pin, rather than a ring, to deflect homophobic reactions. A decade later, Spyer received a harrowing diagnosis of chronic progressive multiple sclerosis, eventually becoming paralyzed in all four limbs. In 1993, New York passed a domestic partnership law, offering protection to unmarried couples, but over ten years later Spyer received a prognosis saying she only would survive one additional year. In response to the devastating news, the pair traveled to Canada to legally marry. When Spyer passed in 2009, Windsor faced not only immense grief but $363,053 in federal taxes and $275,528 to New York State for inheriting her late wife’s estate. The U.S. government did not acknowledge the couple’s marriage, preventing eligibility for estate-tax exemption.

In 2010, Windsor and her lawyer, Roberta “Robbie” Kaplan, filed a lawsuit against the U.S. government objecting to the estate taxes and the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which limited marriage to exist only between one man and woman. The Fifth Amendment, ensuring equal protection, served as a major defense against DOMA. Numerous activists feared that the Supreme Court would not rule in Windsor’s favor, due to fear of backlash or thinking too far in advance from the public. The case was settled in 2012, however, when the Supreme Court ruled five to four to overturn DOMA. 

“Edith Windsor was so important during the fight for gay rights. Because she stood up for gay people’s right to marry each other, [the queer community is] now more free to love each other, legally. Without her, who knows how long it would’ve taken the U.S. to progress [gay marriage] rights. I wish I could’ve met her to say thank you,” junior Caster Martin said.

The right to marry whomever one loves existed as a human right, but it also aided couples’ financial success. Under DOMA, only straight couples receive compensation after a spouse’s death. Due to Windsor’s unhindered spirit of justice, the queer community now enjoys the right to marry as they please, without fear of legal repercussions, and they may live with equal marriage benefits like heterosexual couples. 

Sylvia Garcia
Sylvia Garcia

Representing Texas’ 29th district, Sylvia Garcia introduced legislation supporting immigrant rights. Her impact lies in the approval of key policies that protect immigrant communities. Recognized as a pivotal leader in immigration reform, she has defended efforts to create supportive inclusive laws for immigrants. 

Corrie ten Boom
Corrie ten Boom

Amidst the raging horrors of the Holocaust in the 1930s, one woman shone light in the darkness. Corrie ten Boom, known as a revolutionary female figure for the Christian Church, bewildered the world with her story of unremarkable faith and boldness.

Belonging to a watchmaker family in the Netherlands, ten Boom and her family — her parents Casper and Cornelia ten Boom, along with her three older siblings Betsie, Willem and Nollie — lived a seemingly uneventful life, with Cornelia passing in her sleep in 1921. Ten Boom never married and dedicated her life to serve those in need with her sister Betsie, however, the pair did not fulfill their renown acts until their 40s. 

When the Holocaust began in Germany and spread throughout Europe, the ten Boom family fell into step with a resistance movement based out of Haarlem, Netherlands. Through opening their house to Jewish citizens, warning fellow enemies of the regime and transporting food rations, the ten Booms, especially Corrie, sacrificed all they possessed to help those in need. 

Eventually, the Third Reich captured the ten Booms and sent them to Scheveningen prison, where ten Boom’s father, Casper, sadly passed. Eventually, ten Boom and her sister Betsie transferred to Ravensbrück concentration camp in Holland, where the two furthered their Gospel-spreading journey.

During her time in Ravensbrück, ten Boom turned dire circumstances into an opportunity to spread her faith and spark hope amongst fellow prisoners. Though her barack remained infested with fleas, ten Boom wrote in her book “The Hiding Place” that she saw the insects as a blessing. Since the bugs ravaged her room, concentration camp guards refused to enter or check the beds, which allowed ten Boom to hide her Bible and host Scripture studies with the women around her.

Two years after her release, ten Boom spoke at a church in Munich, Germany. After her message, a Ravensbrück guard approached her. Though she froze with fear and flashbacks of the camp raced in her mind, the guard spoke of his conversion to Christianity, even asking ten Boom to forgive him for his cruel acts. The former prisoner writes in her memoir of the thoughts that took place: she did not wish to forgive him, so she prayed. Through her prayer, ten Boom found strength to forgive the guard and wrote that she felt healed. 

Ten Boom contributed to Church reform in numerous ways. Though not necessarily tangible change, she embodied the ideology of forgiveness and compelled other Christians to live out their faith in bold ways. Women’s History Month recognizes the achievements various women accomplished and ten Boom endured countless hardships, demonstrating time and time again how God helped her through it all.

“I think [ten Boom] impacted the world by being a good example of values that we should all have: supporting people of other races and helping people that are in need. I feel like her Christian values are something that we can all look up to. She was very important historically,” magnet senior Jack Brillinger said.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Elizabeth Cady Stanton, a prominent figure in the women’s suffrage movement, brought forth a significant impact as an author and public figure. Born November 12, 1815, Stanton received an exceptional education which piqued her interest in politics and led to her strong rejection of traditional gender roles. Her advanced education eventually opened her up to the women’s suffrage movement. Stanton’s familial connections seemed to open her up to the world of politics. Her father, Daniel Cady, also significantly impacted her interest in politics as his law office introduced her to legal systems and their discrimination against women. 

Later on, her cousin Gerret Smith introduced her to his radical abolitionist ways, which contributed to her involvement with the abolitionist movement. Subsequently, the Seneca Falls Convention led her to become a significant part of the organization of women’s rights conventions. Her achievements include liberalizing divorce laws, reproductive self-determination and the contribution to an increase in legal rights of women – as she contributed to the creation of the 19th amendment of the constitution. 

“I really like [Elizabeth Cady Stanton] because not only was she an activist in women’s suffrage, but she also wrote about equality and helping end slavery. She really cared about all women and actual equality. I feel like that’s really important because there’s a need to focus on black women and other people as well, and not just white women,” magnet sophomore Skye Pierre said. 

By the time Stanton reached seniority, she began to focus her attention on writing rather than traveling and lecturing as she did in her earlier days. Stanton published three volumes of the “History of Woman Suffrage”, which spoke of local activism, and “The Woman’s Bible,” in which she voiced her beliefs on equal rights and traditional views of religion, specifically of masculine roles in orthodoxy. After a few years, she published an autobiography about her events. Stanton died in October 1902, unfortunately, 18 years before women gained the right to vote

Malala Yousafzai
Malala Yousafzai

Pakistani activist, Malala Yousafzai, serves as an influential figure across women’s rights and girls’ education as she publicly spoke out against certain issues. As a teenager, Yousafzai desired to follow in her father’s footprints and attend the Khushal Girls High School and College in Mingora, Pakistan until the eventual closing due to an invasion from the Tehrike-Taliban Pakistan. While this closure brought devastation to her family, she took this news and turned it into fuel for her passion for furthering education rights around the world. 

Sparking her inspiration at 11 years old for education rights, Yousafzai’s father took her to a press conference in which she recited her first speech protesting against the school’s closure. From that day on, Yousafzai began advocating for girls’ education around the world even after she experienced a life-threatening event in 2012 when a masked gunman boarded her school bus and shot her in the head. This tragedy led to the ratification of Pakistan’s first Right to Education bill as well as the December 2012 launch of a 10 million dollar education fund in her honor. 

“Malala is a very influential figure for Women’s History Month because she embodies the values of resilience, courage, and advocacy for women’s rights. Her determination and bravery after surviving an assassination attempt are powerful reminders of the strength of women around the world. Through her activism, Malala has inspired countless other young girls and women to pursue education, become advocates for their own rights and stand up for change,” sophomore Leondria Henderson said. 

Yousafzai desired to fight for the cause until every girl could go to school, receive the exact opportunities boys held and could choose the future they wanted. In 2014, Yousafzai established the Malala Fund to fully dedicate herself to improving girls’ education through organizations such as the Education Champion Network to fund local educators and advocates to address barriers that keep girls out of school. The Malala Fund eventually led Yousafzai to earn the Nobel Peace Prize at 17 — the youngest individual to receive this honor. 

Now, Youaszai continues to advocate for girls’ education so that she can see women gain new opportunities and become agents of change in their communities around the world. 

Betty Friedman
Betty Friedman

Betty Friedman, one of the early leaders of the women’s rights movement of the 1960s and 1970s, remains a journalist, activist and co-founder of the National Organization for Women. Friedman authored the groundbreaking book, “The Feminine Mystique.” Her work helped spark the second wave of feminism in the United States during the 1960s.

“I remember watching my wife reading her book a while ago. I decided to take a look myself to see all the commotion. It was a pretty good book to me. I could see how this would impact multiple women around the world,” Zane Hollenburger said.

Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks

Born Rosa Louise McCauley in Tuskegee, Alabama, on February 4, 1913, Parks lived with her mother and father Leona and James McCauley until they moved in with Rosa’s grandparents in Pine Level, Alabama. From a young age, Parks experienced the issues of discrimination personally, with her grandfather keeping their house protected while the Ku Klux Klan marched outside. In school, Parks faced bullying and harassment by other white students due to her race, often fighting back and standing her ground.

Parks graduated from high school in 1933 and married Raymond Parks, a barber and member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and the League of Women Voters (LWV). Through her husband, Rosa began involving herself in civil rights issues, becoming the youth leader of the NAACP’s Montgomery chapter.

December 1, 1955, Rosa boarded a segregated bus following her shift at a local Montgomery department store. During her trip, the bus driver ordered her to move to the back to accommodate a white passenger, with Parks refusing to forfeit her seat. Following her denial, the bus driver called local law enforcement who arrested Rosa and kept her in custody at the Montgomery police department for violating local city order.  When Rosa’s arrest spread through the nation, the NAACP and Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) quickly organized a boycott of all public transportation.

“Rosa Parks is a role model for most black girls as she is one of the first African American women we learn about in school. Her resilience and stubbornness was proof that we can do anything and that even someone whose life story isn’t that grand or does not come from a particular background can make a change. For women, especially black women, her story serves as proof that we matter and can make our voices heard even if it is something as simple as saying ‘no’ ” magnet junior Logan Kirkland said.

Parks continued fighting for civil rights, serving as a symbol of resistance to segregation laws. She died peacefully October 24, 2005, at her apartment in Detroit due to dementia. Rosa’s body lies in Washington, D.C., the only black woman’s grave in the capital. Her funeral garnered national attention, with Senators and former President Bill Clinton appearing to pay respects to the civil rights legend.

Sarah Weddington
Sarah Weddington

American lawyer, speaker and educator Sarah Weddington played a significant role in women’s reproductive and abortion rights as well as dictation over their own bodies. Specifically, Weddington acted as the plaintiff’s counsel in the landmark case Roe v. Wade in 1973 — allowing abortion access across the U.S.. Weddington gained a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree from the University of Texas in 1967, propelling her career into action and pushing her to a place that allowed her to effectively communicate her opinions and ideas on women’s rights and reproductive issues.

At the young age of 26, Weddington took part in the precedent ruling of Roe v. Wade, arguing for the legalization of abortion and successfully gaining it — before the unfortunate overruling almost 50 years later. Throughout her career, Weddington moved across various state roles, from her stance as the first woman elected to the Texas House of Representatives from Austin as well as the first female general counsel in the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Additionally, she became selected as the special assistant to President Jimmy Carter, pushing her into a myriad of other special roles that helped push out her ideas for women’s reproductive rights across various platforms. Weddington also authored her own memoir, “A Question of Choice” which detailed her experience as a young female lawyer in the undeniably famous Roe v. Wade case.

“I admire them in a way for standing up for those who don’t always have the ability to stand up for themselves. I hope there are more women who decide to stand up for themselves and their rights. I hope one day I can be one of them, myself. The guts that they — and other women — had to stand up for themselves is so brave,” magnet senior Olivia Doucette said.

Unfortunately passing away at the age of 76, Weddington left behind a powerful legacy of her dedication towards women’s rights activism, as well as her effect on other women that believe in the same ideas. She certainly left an impact on women communities, dedicating a portion of her life to her motives and ideas regarding abortion, amongst other basic human rights.

Suzan Shown Harjo
Suzan Shown Harjo

Suzan Shown Harjo entered the world in 1945 as a member of the Cheyenne and Hudulgee Muscogee Nations. She has persistently advocated for Indigenous peoples’ rights, improving religious freedoms, helping restore over one million miles in land ownership and protecting sacred spaces from government and business development. As an activist, curator, poet, writer and leader, Harjo has become an unmatched voice in American social issues. She won the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest award a U.S. civilian can receive, in 2014 for her persistent work. In the 1960s, she began this work with her radio program, “Seeing Red.” This program spearheaded her plethora of firsts, as the earliest regularly-aired Native American national news radio show.

Harjo’s involvement in various organizations proves deeply influential. She worked alongside leaders from tribes nationwide to pass the American Indian Religious Freedom Act (AIRFA) in 1978. Before this win, Indigenous religious rites and practices faced outlawing across the country, a relic of 1800s government efforts to force the assimilation of Native peoples into White American culture. Harjo acted as the executive director of the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) in the 1980s. She also constituted part of the Jimmy Carter administration as a congressional liaison, where she continually assisted in the passage of bills that protected native ancestral lands, including burial grounds and other important civil rights and preservation legislation. 

“Suzan Shown Harjo’s activism is especially notable as a Native American woman succeeding in male-dominated fields like politics and law. She overcame gender and racial barriers to influence policy, protect sacred lands, and challenge harmful Native stereotypes. Her leadership helped pave the way for future Indigenous activists, highlighting the crucial role of Native women in advocacy,” junior Aniya Burns said.

In 1984, the pioneering activist founded the Morning Star Institute. The organization works for Native rights, to remove offensively portrayed Native mascots from national sports organizations and to rename lands concerning their indigenous roots. In conjunction with other Native leaders, she has redeveloped how and what educational spaces highlight in Native history, returning sacred objects to tribes while shaping the policies of the Smithsonian Institute’s recent addition, the National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI). As Native Americans continue to fight against suppression and discrimination, Harjo’s legacy and continued efforts inspire young people into civil engagement.

Jazzie Collins
Jazzie Collins

Jazzie Collins, the vice chair of the Lesbian Gay Transgender Senior Disabled Housing Task Force (LGTSDHTF) lived a long life of activism, providing for the poor and those who could not advocate for themselves. Beyond just activism for queer individuals, Collins also focused on the disabled and elderly. Those she helped remember her for her work such as what she did in the Senior and Disability Action group.

Sandrine Dixson-Declève
Sandrine Dixson-Declève

Sandrine Dixson-Declève drives global climate action through leadership and advocacy. As co-president of The Club of Rome from 2018 to 2024, she advances discussions on environmental sustainability and economic transformation. Her co-authored book, “Earth for All: A Survival Guide for Humanity,” presents a framework that tackles urgent global challenges including climate change, economic inequality, and social instability while emphasizing the need for holistic societal transformation.

Her work with the European Commission includes chairing the Expert Group on Economic and Societal Impact of Research & Innovation (ESIR) and contributing to the Mission on Climate Change & Adaptation. These initiatives integrate sustainability into policy and innovation, reinforcing her commitment to systemic change.

GreenBiz recognizes Dixson-Declève as one of the 30 most influential women driving change in the low-carbon economy. She advises companies such as Elite Development Program (EDP), BMW and UCB, promoting green business practices and sustainable finance. Her TED Talk, “5 Keys to Shifting to a Well-Being Economy — and the Cost of Inaction,” shares her vision for a sustainable future.

Through collaboration with policymakers, businesses and communities, Dixson-Declève advances climate action and systemic transformation. Her efforts continue to push for meaningful environmental and economic reforms.

“Women’s History Month helps highlight how women have struggled for power in a government that promotes men. It’s important because of how it brings awareness to the issues. However, it also allows us to bring attention to the ladies who stood up and changed the course of history,” magnet literature teacher Laura Smith said.

Dorothy Day
Dorothy Day

Catholic Worker Movement founder and journalist Dorothy Day helped anti-war efforts in numerous different ways. Growing up, Day found a passion for journalism and speaking out the truth, so she decided to attend The University of Illinois. In her collegial years, Day learned about various socialist authors and knew she wanted to become one in the future. She worked for journals such as “The Call” and The Liberator” before she spontaneously joined the Roman Catholic Church.

During her time with the Roman Catholic Church, Day founded the Catholic Worker Movement. This group contained a pacifist stand, as they opposed the use of weapons and wars to solve human issues due to their Christian faith. They decided to hold protests, prayer sessions and demonstrations to show their viewpoints and prevent future wars. The movement also spoke out against specific conflicts such as the use of nuclear weapons during World War One, World War Two, the Vietnam War and the Spanish Civil War as they believed them as mortal sins

Day specifically focused on nuclear weapons in her publications and protests. She utilized her access to “The Catholic Workersnewspaper to call for readers who oppose war to stand up and join her movement. She also wrote about the testing of nuclear weapons to spread awareness of the dangers of nuclear power. Day participated in protests and demonstrations which included fasts and civil disobedience that eventually resulted in jail time. She went to jail numerous times due to her protests — for example in 1917 she was arrested for picketing the White House for women’s suffrage. 

Women’s History Month is an important time to honor the women who have shaped history and continue to make a difference today. Women who lead with courage and stand up for what they believe in inspire change and empower others. Their strength and determination, even when they struggle themselves, help build stronger communities and a better future for everyone. Celebrating their achievements reminds us of the progress made and the work still ahead,” magnet freshman Sonal Patel said.

Although Day suffered through jail time and criticism for her beliefs, she continued to fight for what she believed in. Day’s courage and hard work continue to inspire women and anti-war protestors as she went through great measures just to share her voice. From both successes and failures, Day impacted anti-war efforts significantly and served as a hero for all women.

Sylvia Rivera
Sylvia Rivera

A fearless advocate for transgender rights, Sylvia Rivera pushed back against efforts to erase trans voices from lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer + ( LGBTQ+) activism. Co-founding Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries (STAR), she created shelter and support networks for homeless queer youth. Her activism—from the Stonewall Riots to fights for trans inclusion—challenged systems that ignored vulnerable communities. Rivera’s impact continues to drive movements for justice and equality. This pioneering transgender activist and key figure in the LGBTQ+ rights movement, passed away February 19, 2002, from complications related to liver cancer. She spent her final years advocating for homeless LGBTQ+ youth and marginalized transgender people, continuing her lifelong fight for justice despite struggling with poverty and health issues. Before her death, Rivera worked to revive the political influence of transgender activists, ensuring their voices remained part of the broader LGBTQ+ movement. Her legacy lives on through organizations and initiatives dedicated to supporting trans and queer communities.

“I think they [Sylvia Rivera] made a difference in history. Without them, who knows where we could be today? [Trans people] are key to what our present life is and what our future can be, for they have improved the past and future,” junior Addison Pakluck said.

Bertha Gxowa
Bertha Gxowa

South African activist Bertha Gxowa grew up as the daughter of the first Black South African to operate as a garment worker — a job only previously available to White people under the post-colonial government. This experience ignited her passion for unions, where she could see firsthand how intimately race played a role in workers’ rights across various professions. Following in her father’s footsteps, she began working as an assistant for the South African Clothing and Textile Workers Union, where she actively fought to negotiate fair wages. This opportunity earned her a spot in a commercial college, where she kept the books and grew her passion for advocacy. 

In 1954, Gxowa helped co-found the Federation of South African Women (FEDSAW), and alongside Albertina Sisulu, she helped lead the charge against anti-pass laws in the country. However, her work came to a halt in the early 1960s under the Suppression of Communism Act, a piece of legislation that attempted to silence dissent about Apartheid. Once her ban dissolved, she jumped headfirst into community organizing, supporting various causes from Tuberculosis to workers’ rights. Once she joined the African National Conference (ANC) Women’s League, Gxowa eventually became the national treasurer and chairperson on behalf of Gauteng. Throughout this role, she devoted herself to voter education activism; she also became a member of Parliament in 1994, during South Africa’s first democratic election

Gxowa spent a significant part of her career pursuing women’s emancipation through skill development projects. Between working on the Foreign Affairs Parliamentary Portfolio Committee, to participating in the ANC’s National List Committee, Gxowa dedicated herself to operating in the prime interest of the less fortunate. Although she passed away from surgery complications in 2010, her activism lives on, not only in the minds of South African women but all women in the global community. 

“I believe women in activism are important because women are such a pivotal part of today’s society. These strong women in activism are mentors and leaders for younger girls to grow up with. As younger girls are growing up in today’s community, it is more important now than ever that they have a strong support system from the women before them. they are able to look up to these women and learn to take care of themselves and stand up for their rights, even when opposing forces are strong,” magnet senior Olivia Doucette said.

Jane Goodall
Jane Goodall

Born in London, England, in 1934, Jane Goodall spent her younger years redefining how one can conduct animal behavioral studies. When she left school at the age of 18, Goodall began working as an assistant paleontologist and anthropologist to archaeologist Louis Leakey. Without having completed an undergraduate degree, she received her Ph.D. in ethology from the University of Cambridge, the only individual out of a select number of candidates.

Impressive from a young age, Goodall now stands as a world-renowned conservationist, primatologist, ethologist and UN Messenger of Peace. In July, 1960, Goodall visited the Gombe Stream National Park in Tanzania to begin conducting her research on wild chimpanzees. Expecting to gather routine evidence and data on how the chimpanzees interacted with their environment, Goodall discovered new traits within the primates. 

While trying to challenge the scientific views of chimpanzees at the time, Goodall witnessed the pack of chimpanzees exhibiting factors of humanity. Throughout her studies, she saw the chimpanzees hunting for and eating meat, contrasting the belief at the time that chimpanzees participated in vegetarianism. Goodall also found the chimpanzees engaging in human-like behavior, highlighting the similarities between monkeys and man. 

Inspired by her own research, Goodall founded the Jane Goodall Institute in 1977, which acts as a global organization to support chimpanzee research and increase and promote environmental education. Since her creation of the institute, Goodall has spoken and written several books to share her knowledge and inspire people around the world to support the planet and the precious animals inhabiting it. 

“It’s crazy that there was a time when we didn’t know chimpanzees eat meat. I had never heard of Jane Goodall until now, but I think it’s nice that someone cared enough to conduct research on something that had apparently already been researched. I think that she’s a great role model for anybody who is interested in a remotely known field,” senior Maya Daniels said. 

Sophie Scholl
Sophie Scholl

In 1921 in Forchtenberg, Germany, a hero by the name of Sophie Scholl entered the world; with aspirations to become a teacher, Scholl’s dreams were crushed by the Nazi regime. Scholl grew up under Nazi rule, originally a supporter of the system and a fan of the communal way of life. However, after her older brothers were called away to fight on the front lines, Sophie changed course.

 After graduating high school in 1940, Scholl sought out an apprenticeship to become a kindergarten teacher. Those plans came to no fruition as she found herself serving for the National Labor Service. After she served her time, Scholl became an active member of the anti-Nazi youth group of students from The University of Munich called “White Rose.” During her time with the group, Sophie participated in various acts of peaceful rebellion and her group encouraged other students to rise against Nazi tyranny as well. 

During her six months with the group, Scholland her brother, Hans, actively passed out fliers and leaflets of anti-Nazi propaganda. While she and her brother continued to inspire revolutionary ideas among the youth, the Gestapo Nazi police force arrested them. Four days later, the Gestapo executed Scholl via guillotine at only 21 years old. 

The bravery and passion of this young woman continue to inspire the people of Germany. As an active member of one of the only revolt groups in Nazi Germany at the time, her resilience and courage stand as an example of how all people should fight against injustice. A hero and warrior, gone too soon, Sophie Scholl stands as a martyr for her cause and a light for anyone too afraid to stand up.

Women’s History Month reminds me of what women of the past had to struggle through and the opportunities they opened up for me. The portrayal of women through history empowers me because it shows me the amazing things they have accomplished and it reminds me that I am capable of doing the same. Sophie Scholl, for example, is inspirational because she was a student just like me and she stood up against injustice,” sophomore Allison Stancil said.

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