Trump deserves the codes

Jacob Tutterow, Reporter

Donald Trump’s name echoes in homes across the United States in debates for and against him. He received the Republican Party’s nomination to run for president and held numerous rallies and speeches across the country. At his rallies and speeches, he regularly threatens terrorist groups such as ISIS. These include ‘extreme vetting’ and an ideological test for possible immigrants, a temporary ban on muslim immigrants, and expanding the military.

Considering his harsh foreign policy, voters against Trump say he should not be able to order the use of several nuclear warheads against any enemy he chooses.

Trump’s rival, Hillary Clinton, said, “This is someone who should never have the nuclear codes. It’s not hard to imagine Donald Trump leading us into a war because somebody got under his very thin skin.”

Could Donald Trump keep his fingers away from the red button? I believe so. Donald Trump may call out people in his speeches, but to actually weaponize nuclear warheads against an enemy would require a well thought-out decision made, not one made on pure impulse. Donald’s track record shows a businessman who successfully commands over 30 companies, along with over 200 buildings bearing his name. He made quick decisions in the past and knows how to compose himself in a tense situation.

Trump also made statements saying he wants good relations with Russia, as he intends to meet with Vladimir Putin and discuss peace between Russia and the United States. Promoting good relations with a superpower such as Russia significantly reduces the risk of a war. He also said he wants to fight terror, not Bashar al-Assad, president of middle eastern country Syria, which may contain nuclear weapons.

Considering Trump’s expertise in the business world, he would not impulsively use the nuclear codes. Trump would also need to talk to several advisers, and along with his running mate, Mike Pence, would need to confirm the launch if he does decide to use the codes.

Trump’s success-driven ideals and experience with quick decisions puts him in the best position to control the country for the next four years. On the other hand, if Hillary Clinton becomes president, Putin warns, “It’s war.”

Does Donald Trump deserve access to the codes?

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