Soccer tryouts kick off the new season
Potential players work hard with other players, participating in one on one drills. This exercise helps improve their passing skills.
January 24, 2017
Dozens of athletes flocked to the soccer field to try out for NC’s soccer team beginning Tuesday, January 17 in hopes of earning a spot on the varsity or junior varsity teams.
The tryouts began with simple footwork, touch, and teamwork drills, allowing the coaches to examine the skill levels of the team hopefuls. Wednesday involved increasingly complicated drills, as well as putting players into the positions they wish to play.
On the last day, coaches put the players into action by pitting them against each other in scrimmages. The rosters, posted Wednesday, January 18 for guys and Friday, January 20 for girls, allowed the players to see if they made the cut.
After almost making the playoffs last season, the girls varsity team hopes to make it back this year. The team feels hopeful that new talent and everyone’s joint effort will take the team all the way.
“We’re trying to win. We got close last year going to playoffs, so right now everyone’s excited because we’re looking forward to being able to try and get that close again and hopefully go to playoffs,” senior varsity player Kyrah Felder said.
The boys varsity team desires a strong season. They look to win even more games than last season and make it far into the playoffs.
“Hopefully we make it to playoffs. I think we have a pretty good chance. It’s just going to come down to little things and where we are at mentally,” senior varsity player Jonathan Jones said.
All teams enter the season with winning expectations in mind. New varsity girls coach, Sarah Poteat, also believes in the team and how well the season will go. Both boys and girls varsity and junior varsity teams have their first games on February 7.
“I think [the season outlook] looks great. I think based on what I’ve heard from the past, I see a lot of team chemistry already between the girls, so that’s where it all starts, so I think it looks awesome,” Poteat said.