King of his court
Hoop-coming king Andre Robinson greets crowd at pep rally before being crowned.
January 26, 2017
The seniors crowned Andre Robinson as Hoopcoming king at the pep rally on Friday, January 20. With the help of his Special Education teacher, Angela Guidry, Robinson let the school know what his time at NC meant to him.
Robinson managed the basketball team at NC for all four years, refusing to ever miss a game or an event. Through his management, he developed close relationships with the team members, especially Ricky Shearman, who graduated in the year of 2016.
“Ricky is the player I miss the most,” Robinson said.
Robinson befriended many of his classmates and fellow students at NC, and that provided him the greatest deterrence and nostalgia while he spends his last semester here. Aside from the students, Robinson cannot imagine life without basketball.
“I am really going to miss being a basketball manager,” Robinson said.
Robinson applied to the transition academy at Kennesaw Mountain High School; if he receives his acceptance, he can further his education there until he turns twenty-two.
At the transition academy, Robinson will learn the necessities and skills required to work in an office. The academy will help to train Andre and steer him towards an office job that meets his passions and devotedness. Robinson already prepares for the office life in his high school classes.
“I take the attendance in the morning, escort classmates, and run errands,” Robinson said.
All of these skills help him form the required preciseness and source or reliance that office jobs require. Furthermore, he continuously strives to stay a positive person and never let anything bring him down.
“Andre always has a smile on his face and is very helpful,” Guidry said.
When Robinson received the crown, he could not contain his excitement, running to his classmates the second he heard his name called.
“I was excited and surprised when I won,” Robinson said.
His joy of winning king did not stop after the pep rally. Robinson wore his cape to class the next school day and announced, “I have not made any rules for my new kingdom.”

Robinson and his fellow classmates posed moments after he received the Hoopcoming King crown.