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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

Tarleshia Jean-Pierre

Tarleshia Jean-Pierre, Reporter, Photographer

This is Tarleshia Jean Pierre, a senior at North Cobb who loves writing articles and taking pictures for The Chant, eating Haitian food, watching Netflix, hanging with friends, working at Kennesaw Thai, online shopping, and trolling social media. As her favorite artist Childish Gambino says, “Never let anybody tell you how to feel (We ain’t them).” And with that thought, have a great day!

All content by Tarleshia Jean-Pierre
Junior Trey Kirkland is up to pitch and ready to swing. Kirkland commented, “We’re up against a tough region opponent, but were putting up a good battle.”

[Photo] Varsity baseball struggles against Hillgrove Hawks

Andrew Lubbers, Special Coverage editor, reporter
April 23, 2015
Petty Officer Kelly Brantley talks to juniors Kayla Augustine and Josh Wright about their possible future in the United States Navy. Tarleshia Jean Pierre: “Why did you decide to be a recruiter?”
Brantley: “The navy did a lot for me, the education, [the financial help]... [it has] various benefits―I wanted to share that with others.”

[Photo] Recruited

March 10, 2015
Coming in from vigorous physical training, the JROTC class takes a rest, drinking water and relaxing. Freshman Samantha Martinez says, “I like PT because it teaches us to not give up on ourselves. The more PT I do, the more I want to push myself mentally and physically.”

[Photo] PT practice

January 28, 2015
At the school store, senior Evan Drehger sells a beef jerky, a new item to the school store, to fellow senior Micah Law. “ We have a good variety of stuff to choose from,” said Drehger.

[Photo] School Store

January 21, 2015
Seniors Caleb Bacak, Savanna Gonzales, Melissa Kelsey, Victoria Wright, Lucy Clay, and Catherine Lamb gather around wearing their christmas sweaters for Tacky Sweater Day. Gonzales said cheerfully, “Tis the season to be tacky.”

[Photo] Tacky Sweater Day

December 12, 2014
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