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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

ROTC students junior Amanda Bratton and sophomore Anita Prather take on the task of shining shoes for ROTC’s upcoming annual Military special. All participating ROTC students take in the sweltering heat shining the shoes with pride and fulfillment.

ROTC Military special

Hannah Luck, Staff
October 3, 2019
Standing outside the main cafeteria in the hot sun, these ROTC students shine their shoes and prepare for their Annual Military Inspection (AMI). The AMI will be held on Wednesday, September 19 in the New Gym.

Shoe shine time!

Michelle Lin, Reporter, Photographer
September 17, 2018
Beginning the week with physical training, First Sergeant Michael Dickerson leads the day with ten sets of perfect arm circles. The ROTC students train Mondays and Wednesdays and practice drills Tuesdays and Thursdays. After their long week of training, they go through inspection on Fridays.

ROTC enjoys arm strengthening

Isabella Keaton, Photographer, Reporter
November 27, 2017
A portion of the NC unit stands at attention as they wait to receive a uniform inspection from the presiding officer. The NC band waits behind them to play during the unit’s ceremony.

ROTC dazzles officers at Annual Military Inspection

Sky Vinson, Reporter, Photographer
October 10, 2017
ROTC students prepare for their Annual Military Inspection by polishing their shoes, correcting their measurements, and studying the answers for certain questions. “An admiral comes and inspects our shoes and asks us common knowledge questions… we have to go, we don’t have a choice… it’s a huge deal, ” Harrison high school sophomore Tiana Taylor said.

Armed and ready

Jasmine Nazario, Reporter, Photographer
September 21, 2017
NJROTC students tidy up for another year of military preparation by repainting their shoes and furthering their inspection skills.

ROTC polishes skills

August 30, 2016
The NC ROTC vigorously drills under the beating sun. The Commander and Sergeant push their ROTC troops to live up to their nationally-renowned title every day of the week.

Push it to the limit

August 22, 2016
Today, members of ROTC cadets practiced their sword manual drill, an essential skill that cadets have to learn. “We execute this sword drill at important events such as homecoming and senior night,” senior Austin Basham said. As an executive officer, Basham helps train younger cadets so that they may fill the senior’s spots after graduation.

En garde!

January 26, 2016
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