Screen on the Green left viewers Starstruck
Students arrived early in the evening to claim their spots on the field for Screen on the Green. The lighting from the setting sun drew audience members to capture the perfect pictures, while others just kicked back and relaxed as the night approached.
October 8, 2018
Homecoming week enticed students to participate in the Hollywood themed events. The football field quickly filled up with eager students and community members wishing to watch the movie Starstruck for the annual Screen on the Green on October 3. The aroma of popcorn set the mood for the movie, and the cheerful smiles of the audience made the night a perfect place to make joyful memories.
“This year’s Screen on the Green went really well; we got everything done a lot quicker this year compared to previous years. The complications like the screen not blowing up and not having the movie play on time were all avoided,” senior and TC member Gabby Gilchrist said.
Tribal Connections (TC) planned an eventful evening that ranged from choosing sponsors for refreshments to occupying the audience as they waited for the movie to begin. Kona Ice sponsored the event and provided sweet treats for the crowd as the wrestling team worked the concession stands, selling pizza and soft drinks. The audience played games such as cornhole and Spikeball while waiting for the sky to darken and the movie to begin.
Aside from the movie, audience members looked forward to the Chick-Fil-A raffle. The first place winner, senior Anna Matthews, won 52 gift cards, essentially earning her a free meal each week for a year. The second place winner, senior Ruben Agredmo, received 26 gift cards.

Juniors Josh Hollis and Rahel Kefetew announced the winners of the Chick-Fil-A raffle. The first place winner won free meals for a year, and the runner up won free meals for half a year.
Typically, TC hires a helicopter to drop stuffed animal cows with the names of the participants on name tag attached to it into a small swimming pool in the middle of the field. The cows would fly from the helicopter and whichever one fell closest to the mark in the pool won free Chick-Fil-A for a year. This year, TC took a different approach with Chick-Fil-A and hosted a raffle where they announced the winners before the movie.
“With the raffle this year, it ended up being easier than the helicopter drop. We had more student participation in the raffle than the drop in previous years,” Gilchrist said.
The memorable night came to an end around 10 p.m., as students packed up their pillows and blankets to head home. TC, along with the wrestling team, swiftly cleaned up the field, picking up trash and closing up the concessions stand.
The smiling students left the field laughing and feeling Starstruck.