The problem with morality

Jacob Tutterow, Opinions Editor

All through human history, one pursuit remains stuck in the brains of ancient and modern peoples alike—what makes an action good or bad? Do bad people reap what they sow eventually, and will the good enjoy a reward? Whole cultures and religions base themselves on what they believe, but looking back on human history, one thing appears clear as day—morality means nothing.

Often, people misinterpret the ideas of ‘bad’ and ‘good.’ To one person, stealing from a store poses no moral ramifications, while to others, the pencil they accidentally stole in Kindergarten still bothers them endlessly. This makes one thing clear—morality is subjective. Not only subjective, morality rests upon no tangible, objective reality to stand on, no harm will befall those that do a crime and never get caught. Because of this underlying uncomfortable truth, why do people still follow rules and a moral compass?

The only conclusion humanity can draw from subjective morality does not feel good, but will radically change the idea of feeling ‘good’ about an action. Forgoing all sense of morality can only create a more perfect life for people around the world—for themselves and others. Think about the good that has come from feeling no moral compass—scientific development, the establishment of modern society, and general happiness amongst the population reigned. Even in the Bible, the city of Sodom forwent morals and the people seemed happy (until God smote them).

Living exclusively for the self and the self’s pleasure and happiness brings just that—happiness and pleasure. In modern society, this constitutes a majority of the underlying philosophical beliefs of the people, though they do not realize it. Americans may say “aw poor kid” when they hear a sob story about an orphan, but when they learn about the number of bombings the United States military dies in Syria and other countries, creating thousands and thousands of orphans, the disconnect in their brain does not produce a slight hint of emotion. And why should it? That fact does not affect them in the slightest—and completely flies in the face of self-preservation. Why should they, as people who earned their money by themselves, donate to charities to help the kids in some far away land? They do not even possess a way to make sure the funds they gave even went to that cause.

The root cause of morality comes from the superiority of every human yearns to feel in their personal world. The thoughts of “Oh, I’m better than him because he clearly doesn’t care as much as I do,” pervade modern civilization. Subconsciously, if not consciously, all people feel this way, making morality, in and of itself, immoral. So why should we follow it at all?

Happy April Fool’s, you fool!


The Chant