Several casualties in Texas mall shooting
The Allen Premium Outlets of northern Dallas, Texas, received a horrifying scene May 6, 2023, from gunman Mauricio Garcia, leading to a deadly shooting that resulted in numerous casualties, including young children and elders. In quick response, law enforcement took on the case, finding evidence of white supremacist values from the shooter.
May 12, 2023
May 6, 2023, a 33-year-old resident of Dallas, Texas, reigned terror on the Allen Premium Outlets of northern Dallas. The nation, still in shock from the several casualties and deaths from the Midtown Atlanta shooting that occurred the day before, watch closely into news stations as the story progresses. The perpetrator, Mauricio Garcia, used gunfire from an AR-15-style assault weapon on the victims—eight victims died and seven were injured, including victims within the age range of five to 61 years old. To enact the shooting, Garcia dressed in a security uniform resembling a security guard. On his chest patched a Right Wing Death Squad (RWDS) badge—a phrase popular with right-wing extremists and white supremacy groups. Garcia died due to police intervention. Currently, three victims remain in critical condition.
In terror of the situation, several victims, bystanders and eyewitnesses come to the forefront to tell their stories. Witness and father of an employee at the mall, Steven Spainhouer, rushed into the scene around its final moments. In hopes of finding his child and helping victims through CPR along the way, Spainhouer encountered numerous traumatizing situations, such as finding a girl with no face due to bullet trauma and a young boy around five lying underneath his dead mother. In his words, “There wasn’t anything I could do.” The father and son thankfully reunited in the mall’s H&M.
“I feel the situation is completely intolerable and heartbreaking to have known that a public place is no longer safe for us kids and our seniors. This must be unbearable to families who have suffered under the arms of individuals who freely roam without a target. It makes me wonder if we should have a law restricting arms and their use but I’m sure there’s been plenty before,” junior Taylor Weems said.
With further research from law enforcement, findings of Garcia’s ideals and personal background surfaced. According to two law enforcement sources, Garcia held several social media accounts that contained posts filled with ethnically motivated extremist ideologies, neo-Nazi material and white supremacist ideals. Included in his attire, he wore a handgun and a tactical vest. He possesses a previous history in the U.S. Army, but law enforcement believes that mental health concerns led to his removal.
“All I can do is question where were the security guards. Should kids be taught to shoot a gun as necessary? Or whether aptitude and personality tests should be given to get to know who we are giving arms to before they kill our communities. We need protection. We need safety,” Weems said.
In response to the shooting, numerous political figures took to Twitter to send their prayers and enact their thoughts. President Joe Biden took to Twitter for a response where he sent his prayers toward the affected families and a call to action to Congress to pass a bill that will ban assault weapons and strengthen universal background checks. Also taking to Twitter, Texas senator Ted Cruz posted his prayers toward the victims, which immediately received online backlash due to Cruz’s right-wing beliefs and anti-gun-control politics.
“Tweeted thoughts and prayers are not enough. Once again I ask Congress to send me a bill banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. Enacting universal background checks. Requiring safe storage. Ending immunity for gun manufacturers. I will sign it immediately. We need nothing less to keep our streets safe,” Biden said.