Men’s volleyball tournament grips student body

Nadya Awino

Senior Shane Whiltsey is pictured here setting for team “Photogenic” during the second round of games. His team placed second in the tournament.

On Monday October 12, the men’s volleyball tournament took NC’s main gym by storm for the annual homecoming event.

Nadya Awino
On Monday night, North Cobb hosted their first ever men’s volleyball tournament as a part of homecoming. The turnout was surprisingly high, as most didn’t think a first year event would get that much attention. Fans came out to cheer on their favorite team.

With four teams playing at a time, quiet moments came few and far between as the heated teams trash talked one another to their heart’s desire. Other than the belligerent cries from the courts, eager fans cheered in support and viciously screamed as their team fought for a W.

Nadya Awino
During the games, players showed off their best volleyball skills. Sophomore Keanu White is pictured here spiking the ball for the We Don’t Take L’s team.

The teams consisted mainly of junior and senior boys, some teams creatively named “I’d Hit That,” “Safe Sets,” and “Jon Bon Js;” while others like “Dirty Llamas,” “Crazy Unicorns,” and “We Don’t Take Ls” seemed to miss the memo. The tournament proved an event worth attending, though a bit chaotic at first, the impressive turnout and participation from the student body made up for it.

In the clutching championship game, “I’d Hit That” devastated “Photogenic” as the players of “Jon Bon J’s” and “Safe Sets” stood on the sideline rushing the referee, Kaitlynn Riner, with accusations of foul play at every chance they could get. “I’d Hit That” received a prize bag and about a week’s worth of bragging rights along with their first place win.