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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

Maddie Dean

Maddie Dean, Opinions Editor

A senior at North Cobb’s Magnet Program, Maddie Dean loves to learn about other cultures and is currently learning Chinese and Spanish. When she is not doing homework last minute in her car in the school’s parking lot, Maddie can be found watching Buzzfeed Mysteries Unsolved and working part-time as a cashier at Culver’s. Besides learning about other cultures, Maddie likes to take pictures using Polaroid cameras and disposable cameras, as well as running an Instagram account for her 2-year-old pug, Charlie. This is Maddie’s second year on The Chant and her first year as Opinions Editor, and she looks forward to being known as “ the girl with the fork.” 

All content by Maddie Dean
The truth behind class rank

The truth behind class rank

Maddie Dean, Opinions Editor
August 29, 2019
The influence celebrities hold over teenagers increases daily, but how exactly do these Hollywood elite influence the political choices made?

Celebrity impact on political opinion

Maddie Dean, Reporter, Photographer
May 22, 2019
NC’s National Honor Society (NHS) recently started accepting donations towards March of Dimes, an organization that helps improve the health of mothers and their children. All donations will go towards any research to help prevent premature birth and any birth defects. Find an NHS member with a purple bucket and donate your loose change today!

Purple buckets galore

Maddie Dean, Reporter, Photographer
April 18, 2019
The most important event for a high school student occurs every year during Spring. Unfortunately for students at NC, prom may no longer exist due to the new jumbotron. The Golden Gala, now immortalized in the archives, marks the end of a longstanding high school tradition.

BREAKING: No more prom at NC

Maddie Dean, Reporter, Photographer
April 1, 2019
Dr. John Reagan demonstrates a typical CPR routine on a mannequin to show students how to properly perform CPR for his level two law class. “The most important thing is to recognize the emergency, and you want to make sure the scene is safe. Next, you want to check the victim to see if they are okay. Make sure you assist them [the victim] as quickly as you can to see what is going on, have one person call 911 while another person finds an AED. Then, look at the victim to make sure they are breathing.  If they are not breathing, you have to start CPR,” Reagan said.

Saving lives with Dr. Reagan

Maddie Dean, Reporter, Photographer
March 18, 2019
Outside of Magnet coordinator and Assistant Principal David Stephenson’s office, inspirational quotes from influential figures sit in the front of the school. The quotes, written by office mentors, leave daily encouragements for students who struggle with hardships in life or just need a little bit of motivation.

A quote a day keeps the stress away

Maddie Dean, Reporter, Photographer
March 14, 2019
The Masked Singer first premiered on Fox early this year. Based on the hit show in South Korea, King of Mask Singer, celebrities wear masks to hide their true identity. The judges and live audience try to identify the masked singer using clues from the host about the singer’s achievements.

The new masked singer

Maddie Dean, Reporter, Photographer
March 1, 2019
Junior Niara Minnifield helps distribute posters for the Junie B. Jones Musical, which the theater program will perform from January 24-26. The show will take place at NC’s newly constructed Performance Art Center for only $10. The show will begin at 7:00 p.m. ,and doors will open half an hour before showtime for audience members to find their perfect seat to watch the awe-inspiring performance.

Are you coming to see the show?

Maddie Dean, Reporter, Photographer
January 24, 2019
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