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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

Harrison Glaze

Harrison Glaze, Cartoonist/Reporter

A current NC Magnet senior, Harrison Glaze has written and illustrated for The Chant since 2016 and currently serves as the newspaper’s Blogs Editor. A prolific writer and voracious reader, he began reading at the age of two and writing not long after; his works include varied articles, short stories, novels, poems, and songs. After graduating from North Cobb, he hopes to attend a small liberal arts college or respected private university before studying law at Columbia, Duke, George Washington, or Vanderbilt and setting out on a career as a constitutional and appellate attorney—while writing vigorously on the side. When reading, he enjoys a wide range of literature but particularly admires the works of Edgar Allan Poe and T. S. Eliot. Also active in the National Honor Society and North Cobb’s academic team, he spends what free time he can find reading, writing, drawing, editing Wikipedia, and listening to the music of such bands as New Order, The Cure, and Echo & the Bunnymen.

All content by Harrison Glaze
Who will it be?

Who will it be?

Harrison Glaze, Blogs Editor, Cartoonist, Artist
May 21, 2019


Harrison Glaze, Blogs Editor
May 16, 2019

Caped Crusader

Harrison Glaze, Blogs Editor, Cartoonist
April 1, 2019
The sequel to Warner Bros. Animation’s popular The Lego Movie hit theaters in early February. Emmet Brickowski and his fellow Master Builders return for a fairly successful second outing, continuing in the franchise’s tradition of witty, idiosyncratic humor and startling emotional intelligence. While the second film sometimes falls short of its predecessor’s high bar, it nonetheless makes for an enjoyable cinematic experience.

The Lego Movie 2 comes together nicely

Harrison Glaze, Blogs Editor, Cartoonist/Artist
March 1, 2019
Philosophy is not dead

Philosophy is not dead

Harrison Glaze, Blogs Editor
February 6, 2019
After the breakout success of La La Land and the triumphant achievement of First Man, director Damien Chazelle’s star continues to rise. The new film, a cinematic biography of pioneering astronaut Neil Armstrong, combines historical relevance with emotional immediacy and powerful visual artifice to achieve a compelling effect. Released October 12, First Man remains in theaters through at least Thursday, November 15.

Chazelle soars once again with First Man

Harrison Glaze, Blogs Editor, Cartoonist
November 9, 2018
Senior Lauren Turner strikes a pose for a YouTube video. Her personal channel, to which she devoted her efforts after the collapse of a large group channel on which she performed, boasts 953 views and 53 subscribers at the time of writing. “I really like attention and acting, and I wanted people to see that,” Turner said.

Turner takes her shot at YouTube stardom

Harrison Glaze, Reporter, Artist/Cartoonist
October 4, 2018
Former Beatle Paul McCartney returns to music on his new album Egypt Station. Poppy, clever, and tirelessly optimistic, the album fails to tread much new territory but nonetheless provides a more than enjoyable listening experience.

McCartney gets back to music on Egypt Station

Harrison Glaze, Blogs Editor, Cartoonist
September 21, 2018
Calvary Cavalry #2: Fake News

Calvary Cavalry #2: Fake News

Harrison Glaze, Reporter, Cartoonist
September 18, 2018
Calvary cavalry

Calvary cavalry

Harrison Glaze, Reporter, Cartoonist
April 10, 2018
If wizards were real

If wizards were real

Harrison Glaze, Reporter
March 9, 2018
Love: then and now

Love: then and now

Harrison Glaze, Reporter, Cartoonist
February 14, 2018
Future Archaeologist

Future Archaeologist

Harrison Glaze, Reporter, Cartoonist
February 2, 2018
Election 2020

Election 2020

Harrison Glaze, Reporter, Cartoonist
January 22, 2018
Set in Britain during World War II, Joe Wright’s new film Darkest Hour follows Winston Churchill (Gary Oldman) through the tumultuous early days of his first term as Prime Minister. Churchill would later go on to help lead the Allied coalition to victory, win a Nobel Peace Prize, and become one of the world’s most respected and admired political and historical figures. The excellent filmmaking combines with Oldman’s masterful portrayal to communicate Churchill’s struggles and triumphs as he navigates the complex minefield of wartime British politics.

“Darkest Hour” wins a cinematic victory

Harrison Glaze, Reporter, Cartoonist
January 12, 2018
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