Joining his teammates in pursuit of college athletics, senior defensive end Dominic Moody (55) officially committed to continue football while also navigating higher education. December 4, Moody celebrated with his fellow signees and NC varsity football team (11-1) coaches at the National Signing Day.
The athlete has played football for seven years, falling in love with the sport when he picked it up in fifth grade. With his experience in multiple positions, Moody serves as a prime example of a versatile player, which remains vital to any team. Even through his diverse array of skills, the defensive line has stuck and provided an outlet to perfect his craft.
“I’ve been playing football for about seven years now, since fifth grade. I never really played for any other clubs outside of NC. I’ve played both sides of the ball — offensive line and defensive line. I’ve always liked the defensive line better because you get a little more credit when you do stuff on the field,” Moody said.
As a way to maintain his technique and stay in shape during the offseason, Moody also took on a new sport with the NC wrestling team. However, through numerous years of switching between sports, the defensive athlete decided to shift his focus to his one true priority: the Friday night lights. Now, he trains consistently to preserve his strength and further his development as a player.

His journey through middle and high school has helped him grow as a player, ultimately preparing him for this path at East Carolina University, where he has chosen to play football. The program seemed like home to Moody and offered not only a successful Division 1 (D1) opportunity, but a close-knit family to mature and have fun with.
“I committed to East Carolina University. I chose that program because that was the only program that made me feel like I was at home. I feel like I could be there for four years and I could really see myself there, and everything worked out when the time came,” Moody said.
Though Moody’s talent both on and off the field has proven him a star, his commitment process has brought challenges of its own. NC varsity football Head Coach Shane Queen revealed that the university underwent a coaching change, which procured a rough interval of time for Moody. However, he remains at peace of mind with the path this commitment has taken him on because of his spot on the team. The joy and excitement of a D1 commitment overshadowed any worry or anxiety caused by the coaching change and continues to offer hope for all of the possibilities ahead. As Moody will graduate this spring, he hopes to study nursing, where he can fulfill his desire to help people.
The Chant wishes Moody success in his time at East Carolina and remains proud of his accolades from his high school career. Go Pirates!