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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

Avery Rice

Avery Rice, photographer

Avery Rice: photographer, art enthusiast, caffeine addict, movie buff and workaholic. Though the majority of her time is spent greeting the faces of La Bamba regulars, she has acquired several other hobbies. If not at work, Avery lays in her bed avoiding all responsibilities by locking herself in her room and Netflixing for hours on end. She consumes, at least, five cups of coffee a day. Many would say she has a serious problem, she would disagree. She has seen every movie ever made at least twice. Her favorite artists include William-Adolphe Bouguereau and Claude Monet. Some of her talents include: eating soup while driving, having hair bigger than the rest of her body, telling awkward jokes, being terrible at all sports related activities, arriving to everything thirty minutes early and occasionally taking cool photos.

All content by Avery Rice
Coach Weaver’s 3rd period class warms up for their next unit in personal fitness by playing a quick game of ultimate frisbee.

[Photo] Warm-up

March 14, 2016
The Chant makes their Oscar predictions for this Sunday's annual show.

[Photo] Oscars 2016 roundtable: who wins big?

Emmett Schindler, Anabel Prince, Kat Shambaugh, Riley O'Neill, Caroline Long, Dylan Kellos, Fatima Elfakahany, Alex O'Brien, News editor, Copy editor, Features editor, Reporter, Reporter, Reporter/Photographer, Opinions editor, Photo editor
February 26, 2016

[Photo] In the family

Riley O'Neill, Reporter
February 5, 2016
Today during lunch, culinary students stood in the courtyard selling $2 grab and go Zoyo cups.

[Photo] Zoyo to go

January 11, 2016
Shane Smith states,”The human race is facing all kinds of problems, and all we are doing is pointing fingers.” As a whole, society tends to accuse those who are easy to blame. When it comes to terrorism, all fingers point to Muslims.

I am not a terrorist

Avery Rice, Photographer
December 9, 2015
10th, 11th and 12th grade students fill the outdoor seating during A lunch today. At a chilly 69 degrees, NC students begin to anticipate early fall weather.

[Photo] Chilly

September 14, 2015
12th grade construction students observe last years plumbing project hoping to learn a few pointers for future blueprints.

[Photo] Plumbing

August 17, 2015
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