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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

Although times and technology change, NC’s yearbook remains constant. Year after year, the yearbook staff compiles NC’s history into a neatly laid-out book, detailing the people and events that make the school. “I often tell my yearbook staff that they have the pulse of the school. This year, our pulse rate has slowed because there just isn’t as much going on. We knew going into this year that gathering content would be our biggest challenge if we continued to approach the yearbook in the same way that we always had, so we decided to shift our focus away from the school at large and focus more on the individual students who are still thriving in their own ways,” Yearbook Advisor Stacy Baldwin said.

Yearbook: 1999 and now

Jenny Loveland, News Editor
October 23, 2020
On September 19, NC students involved in The Chant and the Panorama received the opportunity to adventure to the “Home of the Dawgs” in Athens GA to attend the semi-annual GSPA conference. The conference boasted speakers who graduated from the UGA Grady program and students from successful publications around the state. Students learned useful information from qualified teachers that they hope to take back to NC in order to improve it’s press outlets.

Journalism students converge at GSPA

Lainey Devlin, Sports Editor
September 22, 2019
With a new year comes new traditions as seniors say goodbye to their beloved quotes. Determined never to let the senior voice die, yearbook staff worked hard to come up with a suitable, fun alternative. “I think the seniors are going to love it. It is different but we have done in the past and students loved it, so we are bringing it back,” principal Matt Moody said.

Most likely to be read by seniors

Rachel Maxwell, Social Media Manager
November 13, 2018
Senior superlative voting-season excites students as they approach graduation.

Senior Superlative season is here!

Isabella Keaton, Features Editor
October 23, 2018
	Seniors started off the new school year shocked by the amount of changes involving privileges. Although the majority of changes made seniors happy, like the courtyard becoming strictly for them, others left them upset, such as the removal of senior quotes. Seniors, excited about new things coming, prepare to take on the new year.

Seniors enjoy a privilege, accept a loss

Rachel Maxwell, Social Media Editor
August 28, 2018
The yearbook students place stamps on envelopes as they get ready to ship out letters about yearbook senior tributes. The senior tribute constitutes a section in the yearbook dedicated to the students by their parents. “I’m super excited to see all the tributes we will receive,” sophomore Taylor Seymour said.

Check your mail, seniors!

Naoshin Kasier, Photographer
August 27, 2018
Students left their first block class today for their Student ID and Yearbook pictures. This year, the senior class dressed up and posed with props for their Student IDs. Props ranged from ramen noodles to a pile of shoes, which provided photographers and fellow classmates with laughs.

Smile for the Picture!

Haley Kish, Photographer
August 15, 2018
After a long year of gathering quotes and capturing NC’s finest moments, the yearbook staff distributed the 60th edition of their yearbooks. While handing out books to underclassmen, the seniors went to the new theatre to accept senior superlatives and watch the senior video. Senior staff member Stefanie Garcia said, “I’m so proud of all the work we out in, it came out a lot better than we expected. I’m just happy we got to work with 3000 students to make it happen.”

Celebrating 60 years of NC

Nadya Awino, Photo Editor
April 25, 2018
The week of March 26 marks the beginning of yearbook week. Each day the yearbook staff offers a fun activity to the students to generate excitement about the upcoming issuing of yearbooks. Today, students received free Dum Dum lollipops.

Pick a pop, any pop

Erin Grier, Photographer, Reporter
March 27, 2018
NC’s own yearbook staff recently won the Columbia Scholastic Press Association award, as well as the American SPA award. Editors-in-chief Baleigh Krause and Gabi Nwachukwu, seen kneeling in front, both commented on how “...proud they are of the yearbook staff’s work this year.” The team can not wait to continue to collect more awards as the year goes on.

Yearbook staff snags CSPA award

Zion Fitch, Videographer, Reporter
December 1, 2017
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