The Chant Bachelor


Elijah Pacis, Entertainment Editor

NC suffers from hauntings of the supernatural, like the dreaded Creature and the monstrous Muffin Man. Despite these various troubles, film visionaries, Elijah Pacis and Emilio Medina, aimed to put NC back on the entertainment map. The Chant first released “The Bachelor: The Chant Edition” in 2018 to critical acclaim, but the four years between then and 2022 vastly reshaped NC’s opinion on reality television. 


Starring NC vampire Dominik Perez, NC theater prodigies Peyton Stack and Ren Lloyd, and rising actors Emilio Medina, Jenny Loveland and Mannequin Man, Pacis revived the series in an effort to bring attention back to NC’s fine arts program. Initial screenings of “The Chant Bachelor” met positive reviews overall with criticisms of the casting choice in Mannequin Man, over concerns of unsafe work environments leading to Medina’s eventual disappearance.

“I don’t know what those fools are talking about. Mannequin man deserves to be on this show, anyone who says otherwise deserves to be absorbed into the dark embrace of the coming void. If the darkness assimilated Emilio because of his attitude towards an NC local monstrosity, must I even explain why he disappeared,” Perez said.

April Fool’s, you fools!


The Chant