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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

Nadya Awino

Nadya Awino, Photo editor

Nadya Awino is a third-year photographer and reporter for The Chant. Although she started as an inexperienced sophomore with a dream, she has worked her way up to photo editor, one of her crowning achievements. As a senior, she dedicates her time to her responsibilities as an editor and as president of the Spirit Club here at NC. The club, inactive for the past four years, is a platform for students to voice their ideas or brainstorm activities for the school year. Awino says she restarted the club because students from last year were unwilling to participate in school events because they felt like they had no say. This year, she hopes to build her leadership skills and make her senior year an eventful one. When she’s not snapping pictures or organizing school events, Awino works as a student apprentice for the Reach for the Stars program at Acworth Elementary, as well as an assistant at Rockwell Dance Academy. Although she tells people she works two jobs for the money, she secretly lives for the discount she gets at Journey’s stores. In her spare time, she enjoys watching Law and Order: SVU, Cinderella, going shopping, and writing poetry; she also indulges in a variety of music, like Erykah Badu, 21 Savage, SZA, Tyler the Creator, and Beyonce. Look for her scathing reviews on movies, albums, and concerts on the Entertainment page of The Chant. She hopes to attend Emory University next fall, majoring in Psychology with a minor in sociology; she hopes to become a criminal psychologist and assist the FBI in probing the minds of felons. Catch her in the hallways searching for photo of the day or the next big scoop.

All content by Nadya Awino
As part of the senior "pranks," someone released a nest of ladybugs into the boys bathroom in the 800 hallway. Students posted videos and pictures all over social media denouncing the questionable prank, wondering who did it and why. "It was disgusting, they were crawling over the walls, buzzing near the lights. I just wanted to know where they got the ladybugs from," senior Ulises Delgadillo said.

Bob’s Bugs Be Gone!

Nadya Awino, Photo Editor
May 11, 2018

Courtyard cookout

Nadya Awino, Photo Editor
April 27, 2018
After a long year of gathering quotes and capturing NC’s finest moments, the yearbook staff distributed the 60th edition of their yearbooks. While handing out books to underclassmen, the seniors went to the new theatre to accept senior superlatives and watch the senior video. Senior staff member Stefanie Garcia said, “I’m so proud of all the work we out in, it came out a lot better than we expected. I’m just happy we got to work with 3000 students to make it happen.”

Celebrating 60 years of NC

Nadya Awino, Photo Editor
April 25, 2018
Following their annual inductions, NHS members started collecting donations for March of Dimes. The organization raises money to provide affordable care for mothers and their children, fighting for advancements in maternal care and working to reduce the amount of premature births in America. Students who want to donate can find collectors carrying purple buckets marked with the March of Dimes logo.

Donate to March of Dimes

Nadya Awino, Photo Editor
April 18, 2018
With prom right around the corner, students kicked off the season by creating their best promposals. Senior Alex Llamas asked Maya Hercey to prom via card trick, pulling a bouquet of flowers and a poster from behind her ear. “I knew he was going to ask me, but I didn’t know when and I didn’t know it was going to be like this. I loved it,” Hercey said.

“Is this your card?”

Nadya Awino, Photo Editor
April 13, 2018
 Campaigns for class officer started this week, and students wasted no time putting up their posters around the school. With only a week to advertise, each sign showcases the creativity and dedication of the candidates. The potential class officers also utilized social media to spread their message, creating edits to post on Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter.

On the campaign trail

Nadya Awino, Photo Editor
March 23, 2018
Students brought flowers to line the fence on the field where the memorial took place. The brainchild of administration and select leaders from each grade, the ceremony aimed to commemorate the teens and adults who fell victim to the Valentine’s Day massacre at Douglas County High School. “Imagine if we came together like this all the time. We wouldn’t be having these conversations about gun reform and school shootings if we were constantly supporting each other,” senior Kaylin Altman said.

17 minutes for 17 lives

Nadya Awino, Photo editor
March 22, 2018
To support those who lost their lives in the Douglas High School shooting, NC students walked out of their classrooms and participated in a sit-in at the front of the school. Although the Cobb County superintendent released an statement explicitly forbidding students from walking out, kids across the county showed solidarity with posters, flowers, and marches. (Submission by senior Danyel Cateau)


Nadya Awino, Photo Editor
March 14, 2018
Today in Coach Hargis’ psychology class, a magician came by to give students a lesson on sensation and perception. Junior Jill Floyd initialed a quarter, then proceeded to bend the quarter at the magician’s direction. “I don’t know how he did it, but he grabbed my arm and shook it then all of a sudden I was holding a bent quarter.  It was scary,” Floyd said.

If you give a kid a quarter…

Nadya Awino, Photo Editor
March 9, 2018
NC junior Zion Fitch dons his traditional African cloth in celebration of Black Panther’s late night release. Fans and critics hail the movie as a big step for representation of people of color in film, featuring a nearly all African-American cast. “I feel like the movie will live up to all the high expectations that have been set, and it projects black people in a positive light. We’re the heroes for once instead of the villain,” Fitch said.

Black Friday

Nadya Awino, Photo Editor
February 16, 2018
Administration recently issued a ban on flyers taped to the wall, installing hanging strips for clubs to promote themselves. With over 50 clubs at NC that advertise through flyers, colored paper and fallen poster clutter the halls and create additional work for janitors. The ban will reduce litter and neatly organize the signs for students, providing more easily accessible information.

NC can’t hang…

Nadya Awino, Photo Editor
January 24, 2018
Tonight the Warriors basketball team will face off against the North Paulding Wolfpack tonight at home; the girls’ game begins at 6 PM, and the boys play afterwards at 7:30 PM. Senior varsity players Keanu White, Steven Hubert, and Ginji Ozawa excitedly chattering about their upcoming game at the lunch table. Hubert, pictured in the middle, said, “Be there or hear about it.”

Basketball till we fall

Nadya Awino, Photo Editor
January 12, 2018
To add to the oversized Siracha bottles, The Chant received colorful posters and bookmarks from pop artist Dua Lipa. The English singer-songwriter aims to promote her self-titled album and its hottest single, "New Rules." Staff members gleefully hung the posters throughout the publications office while listening to samples of her songs.

The Chant bows down to New Rules

Nadya Awino, Photo Editor
November 15, 2017

Once a Warrior, always a Warrior

Nadya Awino, Photo Editor
November 9, 2017
American Horror Story: Cult details the complex politics of the Michigan suburbs, adding a gory clown component to shock viewers and expose the dangers of submitting to fear. NC seniors Ali James and Diana Martinez reenact a scene where the characters discover the clown cult’s marking and react in horror. “Everything about it [the new season] is terrifying. I’m afraid of clowns, so this season has been good in a terrifying way,” James said.

AHS: Cult (classic)

Nadya Awino, Photo Editor
October 6, 2017
Representatives from the U.S. Army Reserve stopped by during third period to ask students about the next stage in their lives and to consider the reserve. Sergeant Davina M. Jones said, “Most people don’t know that joining the reserves can help you pay for college. You get to go to the college of your choice nearly for free, all it requires is a few weeks of basic training.” Visit them in the cafeteria during lunch.

The Army Wants YOU

Nadya Awino, Photo editor, Photographer
August 10, 2017
Seniors Kamree Moore and Cameron Davenport discussing and applying makeup during class. “I love Maybelline Fit Me, but at the same time I notice how limited the shades are,” Moore said. “I know it wasn’t made for girls darker than me.”

In a Barbie world: Women of color excluded from fashion industry

Nadya Awino, Social media editor, photographer
December 19, 2016
This week begins sign-ups for NC’s dodgeball tournament, hosted by Tribal Connections. All week, students can create teams of seven at five dollars each to compete in the event, for which the date will be announced soon.

[Photo] Ready, set, dodge

December 13, 2016
NC’s prom committee will hold its first meeting of the year on Tuesday, October 25. Open to all juniors and seniors, members will discuss themes, set a date, create decorations, and prepare for the upcoming dance. If interested, report to room 718 immediately after school.

[Photo] Prom plans

October 25, 2016
College admissions officers visited NC last Thursday to give students advice on college and the application process. Representatives from colleges in Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi set up tables covered with pamphlets and informational papers about their school. A Mississippi State spokeswoman pictured above helps families by answering specific questions handing out college merchandise.

[Photo] Colleges show their spirit at NC

Autumn Boekeloo, Entertainment Editor
September 6, 2016
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