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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

Every NC student has encountered a classmate's outfit and wondered where they acquired it. Interesting outfits may pique the interest of aspiring fashionistas around the globe. Teens can pair every outfit with complementary footwear and accessories, bringing the pieces together. NC students style unique, eccentric and quirky clothes, so highlighting recent fashionable outfits remains a key local interest.

Outfit of the Day

Taylor Morrow, Media Team
October 7, 2024
Sustainable clothing apps such as Depop and Poshmark change the future of wastefulness when it comes to clothing. These apps model a thrifting-style set up in an online form. Users can buy and sell clothing, limiting the production of fast fashion and increasing the repurposing of older clothing. This allows people who no longer enjoy their closet to share it with others who may further appreciate it.

One app at a time

Callie Kinsinger, Features Editor
April 20, 2023
Low wages, manipulative marketing tactics and excessive resources compile into a single industry: fast fashion. While convenient for individuals to find cheap clothing to keep with over 52 fashion seasons, fast fashion overwhelmingly devastates communities across the globe, making the benefits from spending money with those brands minuscule.

The realities of fast fashion

Zioni Moore, Copy Editor
September 1, 2022
Daily, thrifters stumble upon hidden gems, such as this brand new NC when perusing the aisles of their favorite thrift stores. “Finding clothing for such low prices when thrifting is surreal and always keeps me on my toes,” sophomore Lorenzo Alarcon said.

The 5 Ws of thrifting

Amber Roldan, Staff
January 31, 2020
A thrifty NC student picks up a cute Christmas sweater for the holiday season.

Thrifting: Nifty or not?

Gabby Weaver, Opinions editor
December 26, 2016
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