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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

Zioni Moore

Zioni Moore, Copy Editor

Zioni Moore is a magnet senior at NC. Outside of seeing them with their head bent over a desktop typing away, they’ll be caught raving over niche bands, carving out designs in ceramic artworks and playing around with their sewing machine. As high school quickly progressed for them, Moore’s love for writing has blossomed. While not unusual for them to write small-scale pieces for literature circles, their bibliography has exploded into a large array of poems and short stories; some even being published outside The Chant.

Journalism has also been a fruitful path for Moore. They’ve managed to be published within USA Today, and have worked with publications such as Washington Post, Vox and Youth cast Media group to produce and edit further articles. As their high school career begins to draw to a close, Moore now works as one of the Copy-Editors for The Chant.  Growing beyond the opportunities given to them during that time, they plan on majoring in Research Psychology at either Bard College or the University of Washington in Seattle. You can find them on instagram @zsuckz!

All content by Zioni Moore
Parenting: one of the greatest joys of one’s life; however, it can grow to become difficult sometimes. High-energy children can wear down a person’s psyche, so only fair that using the resources given by the Internet could serve as nothing but helpful. Aside from the blaring colors, odd thumbnails and cryptic codes in the comments, nothing sinister could truly lurk within the shadows. Enter the Elsagate generation and the thousands affected by it.

Elsagate’s generation

Zioni Moore, Co-Copy Editor
May 11, 2023
Started originally as a way for media to incorporate bits of inclusion into series and movies, token black characters for the past decade have recontextualized and morphed into their true forms: rebranded stereotypes. From the loud, sassy Black girl that gives the best advice —as somehow always overweight and never considered to play in any role related to a love interest—to the ‘magical negro’ that always helps the White protagonist on whatever journey that they cannot incorporate themselves in, to blatant sacrifice in horror movies; they cannot seem to give Black people a break.

The ‘Tolkien’ effect

Zioni Moore, Copy Editor
May 11, 2023
Metro-Atlanta knows too well of the Black lives lost as a result of bigotry, given that the simmering emotions boiled over during the summer of 2020 at the CNN center. Murals across the city commemorate the martyrs of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. But what happens when the person behind the screen crying pools of tears and bleeding out on the pavement survives only as legend until Ralph Yarl flooded media outlets. Nevertheless, the lack of care for his case, both in terms of politically and morally, highlights, emphasizes and everything in between the extreme disparity within how The Land of the Free sees Black Americans: as specs of dirt.

Black Lives do not matter

Zioni Moore, Co-Copy Editor
May 5, 2023
Birthed from the remnants of Mitski Miyawaki’s junior project for Purchase College Conservatory of Music, the 2012 debut album “Lush” stands as her unappreciated magnum opus. With the album serving as her best in terms of lyrical and technical diversity, there comes a great shame from her later works garnering the bulk of the credit for musical genius.

“Lush”: A retrospective

Zioni Moore, Copy Editor
March 13, 2023
Dutch angles, actor worship and cult classic viewing galore, NC’s Film Club cultivates plenty of the interesting aspects of life as a movie junkie. Contrary to popular belief, students do not film new movies within the club, but rather the club encourages critical thinking required to analyze them. From film noirs to thrillers and rom-coms, Film Club provides a sanctuary for the “Breakfast Club”: a similar group that appears in room 312 every other Friday.

Rolling the cameras on NC’s Film Club

Zioni Moore, Co-Copy editor
December 12, 2022
While the macabre has intrigued humanity for millennia, the time between the viewings of executions and gore has extended far beyond the current day and age. True crime, a fan favorite of dozens, surfaces as an outlet for individuals to take an insight into their fears through peculiar exposure therapy. However, the extent to which the obsession has manifested pushes the boundaries of sanity and respect. From profiting off of victims’ traumas to desensitizing the masses to horrendous crimes, true crime needs a true time-out.

True crime, true nerve

Zioni Moore, Co-Copy Editor
November 2, 2022
Low wages, manipulative marketing tactics and excessive resources compile into a single industry: fast fashion. While convenient for individuals to find cheap clothing to keep with over 52 fashion seasons, fast fashion overwhelmingly devastates communities across the globe, making the benefits from spending money with those brands minuscule.

The realities of fast fashion

Zioni Moore, Copy Editor
September 1, 2022
Listen up, NC!

Listen up, NC!

Zioni Moore, News Editor
May 18, 2022
History has shown that the prevalence of war within the European continent remains synonymous with their obsession with power. The war in Ukraine sparked a different perspective for a multitude of individuals, however, highlighting a disturbing pattern of indifference towards people of color (POC). “The ongoing support for Ukraine just emphasizes how white Americans will always have more compassion towards white countries despite the various black and brown countries that have suffered for centuries by their hand and continue to suffer,” junior Anyiah Narcisse said.

Ukraine and Whiteness

Zioni Moore, News Editor
April 14, 2022
Stories around Black and POC love have begun to branch out beyond the socioeconomic struggles within communities and now focus more on the beauty within love itself. However, within love comes sexuality, and lesbian stories desperately need to catch up with the times

“Where’s our fairytale?”

Zioni Moore, News editor
March 11, 2022
A renowned comedian, Betty White did not joke about human rights. Traveling back in time as far as 1954, White stood up for marginalized peoples' rights within the workforce and otherwise, placing her own privilege and prestige at risk in the process. Her life serves as a reminder that courage prevails, regardless of other minuscule hindrances.

“Different time,” no excuse

Zioni Moore, News editor
February 2, 2022
Sweeping the nation for decades, the MBTI emcompasses distinct values and combines them into 16 personalities. Based on nearly 40 years of research, the validity continues to circulate in scientific discussion circles. Regardless, hundreds of individuals continue to enjoy solidarity with those with similar types and feel as though they have gained a higher understanding of others by learning the inner workings of the test.

All about MBTI

Zioni Moore, News
February 2, 2022
During his annual Veteran’s Day speech, President Joe Biden used the outdated term “negro” to address Major Baseball League player Satchel Paige. The comment caused an outcry from the public, mainly focusing on the lack of reporting from left-leaning news outlets. The incident highlights the intense double standard within both political parties and the dangerous power of the press with its perception.

Bigotry: not exclusive to the Right

Zioni Moore, News editor
December 29, 2021
Mental illness has gained increased prevalence since the introduction of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Individuals have bonded together to advocate for better recognition of stigmas, warning signs and treatment of them. However, with the massive garnered support for the cause, previous systematic biases and tribulations have blocked the benefits from the rest of American privileged society to trickle down. Especially in the case of minors, LBGTQ, indigent and POC individuals, the damning evidence remains crucial in understanding the mistreatment of those most heavily affected by mental health concerns/needs.

Bias of the mind

Zioni Moore, News Editor
December 15, 2021
Photo credit: Zioni Moore
	As the major holidays come around, couples post their adorable photos together. However, the larger population of single people can become envious. Breakups hurt and incorporate a trauma of their own. This leads to many forms of maladaptive coping (like any trauma, such as grief) to manifest, such as relapsing, denial, and isolation.

Coping with heartbreak

Zioni Moore, News Editor
November 11, 2021
In regards to fatphobia

In regards to fatphobia

Zioni Moore, News Editor
October 25, 2021
Plastering Native American culture at the forefront of NC’s ‘logo’ directly affects dozens of actual Native Americans, especially when worn by white teens who see their struggles as a joke.  “I think it’s important that we move past these harmful racial stereotypes. I sincerely hope it gets changed,” said Victoria Echevarria.

Madeline: A Proper Warrior

Zioni Moore, Reporter
September 24, 2020
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