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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

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Shannon Rapp

Shannon Rapp, Arts and Entertainment Editor

Senior Shannon Rapp, entertainment editor to The Chant, is a three year veteran on staff this year. With an interest in journalist writing, she joined Newspaper to better her writing and photography skills but ended up with a family.

Shannon is part of the NC Color Guard. After struggling freshman year to find a place to fit it, she decided to give it a try and ended up falling in love with the activity. She made a connection with the team that she has never found anywhere else at NC.

Outside of school Shannon enjoys baking and makeup. She loves baking so much that it has turned into a future career for her. The passion has led her to want to major in Pastry Arts at Johnson and Wales University in Providence, Rhode Island. Her love and desire to live up north comes from knowing that most of her family resides in New York.

As an admitted Disney fanatic, Shannon loves to travel to Disney World with her mother, father, and older sister, Kayley, a senior at Berry College this year. Her extreme love for Disney takes origin in watching Disney movies and going to Disney World almost ten times before even turning twelve. Shannon’s favorite Disney princess is Mulan because she loves her fiery, non-patriarchal attitude.

A few of Shannon’s favorites include, but are not limited to: Riverdale, peanut butter, and her dog Jack. In addition to these favorites, Shannon loves to travel and recently took her first trip out of the country over the Summer to Scotland and England. She hopes to travel to every continent within her lifetime except Antartica because she hates the cold.

Although Shannon loves her high school friends and activities, she is most definitely ready to graduate and embrace the next chapter in her life.

All content by Shannon Rapp
The seven deadly sins present themselves in a number of differeny ways in modern society. Lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, anger, envy, and pride can drive people to perform crazy acts. According to the Bible, the sinful influences that lie underneath these seven sins further one away from God.

Are you guilty of a deadly sin?

Shannon Rapp, Entertainment Editor
May 2, 2019
Easter falls on Sunday, April 21 this year. Make sure to decorate the house with egg-tastic decorations to celebrate the day with family and friends.

Egg-tastic holiday fun

Shannon Rapp, Entertainment Editor
April 18, 2019
As an avid foodie, senior Neffy Shabazz loves to use the vending machines on campus daily. However, Shabazz’s love for vending machine rations took a turn for the worse as the vending machine sucked her in through the cash inserter. “I don’t know what happened; one second I was standing outside the machine, the next I was inside freaking out,” Shabazz said. Janitors work tirelessly to break Shabazz out and estimate she will return to the halls of NC on April 1.

Sister stuck while sister snacking?

Shannon Rapp, Entertainment Editor
April 1, 2019
	Over this past weekend, the NC varsity winter guard and Cadets teams performed for the second time since January. With a new coach came unexpected twists and turns and a different style of work; however, the team adjusted to the change seamlessly and will continue to strive for greatness.

All that glitters: NC winter guard

Shannon Rapp, Entertainment Editor
March 13, 2019
Stars doesn't equal science

Stars doesn’t equal science

Shannon Rapp, Entertainment Editor
March 4, 2019
Crime show fanatics will spend hours gawking at their screens watching NCIS. However, a number of aspects within the show differ from the real life agency, and fans fail to recognize the differences while watching and instead embrace the easily-solved one our docudramas.

Behind the yellow tape: The crime show craze

Shannon Rapp, Entertainment Editor
January 30, 2019
The holiday season serves as the best time to give back to others. Plenty of opportunities to give back present themselves to students through local shelters, schools, and community centers. Remember to give back this season and show gratitude towards others.

How to give back this holiday season

Shannon Rapp, Entertainment Editor
December 14, 2018
Growing pains: how chronic pain affects everyday life

Growing pains: how chronic pain affects everyday life

Shannon Rapp, Arts & Entertainment Editor
December 12, 2018
Studies have proven students will only help build student success. In times of heavy tech usage, many students lose the opportunity to pick for themselves teh books they would like to read.

Put down your phone and pick up a book

Shannon Rapp, Arts and Entertainment Editor
November 1, 2018
Teens will take any opportunity to collect money; from babysitting to taking online surveys, a number of daily jobs can earn a decent amount of coin. “Working helps me make extra money for myself, as well as getting experience and something to put on my resume for the future,” senior Zola Morgan said.

Are you a broke teen? Read this!

Shannon Rapp, Entertainment Editor
October 15, 2018
As students march onto the football field, they mentally prepare themselves to attempt a perfect performance. The NC Marching Band debuted their new, contemporary uniforms after a decade of wearing the older ones and played as well as they appeared. “The new uniforms have contributed to our show [by] giving the marchers a sleeker look on the field, and they also have a more modern appeal,” drum major and senior Mallory Luense said.

Marching band’s first foray into fall competition

Shannon Rapp, Arts and Entertainment Editor
October 2, 2018
Calories equals energy, not fat

Calories equals energy, not fat

Shannon Rapp, Arts & Entertainment Editor
August 31, 2018
Finding female empowerment in schools can prove difficult, but through the hard work and dedication of school clubs and organizations, female students can feel more empowered than ever before.

How to empower women in schools

Shannon Rapp, Arts and Entertainment editor
April 10, 2018
Shannon (left) recreates a childhood memory for her parents with older sister Kayley (right).

How does a memory work?

Shannon Rapp, Arts and Entertainment editor
December 19, 2017
Senior Keara Rodriguez begins to overthink her school assignments: a perfect time to utilize mindfulness techniques to calm her anxieties.

The art of mindfulness

Shannon Rapp, Entertainment Editor
October 6, 2017
After 99 years, the solar eclipse wowed people in the US. Major cities attracted hundreds of thousands of people for the special event.

NC’s first solar eclipse experience

Shannon Rapp, Arts and Entertainment editor
August 24, 2017
New year, new paint job

New year, new paint job

Shannon Rapp, Entertainment Editor
August 11, 2017
NC’s Band holds annual Family Day Saturday, August 5th.

Annual NC family day wows community

Shannon Rapp, Entertainment Editor
August 11, 2017
WANTED: Lindsay Theaker, for starting a Harry Potter Revolution in her Warrior Wednesday Harry Potter Connections class. Theaker’s whereabouts are unknown; any information regarding her location will be rewarded with a free “Get out of Detention” card.

[Photo] Wanted

April 1, 2017
Coach Day’s freshman physical education class suffers through a round of the Pacer to examine their running capabilities. Physical education classes run the Pacer once a week to reach a goal of 80 laps by the end of the semester.

[Photo] Pace yourself

January 20, 2017
Girls just wanna have fun (damental rights)

Girls just wanna have fun (damental rights)

Shannon Rapp, Reporter, Photographer
December 21, 2016
Tribal Connection members set up the display for the pep rally during fourth period. The event will celebrate Homecoming and remind students to come out and support their Warrior football team.

[Photo] A little pep

October 14, 2016
We should all walk together

We should all walk together

Shannon Rapp, Reporter, Photographer
September 2, 2016
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