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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

Giovanna Talone

Giovanna Talone, Sports Editor

Giovanna Talone, a junior at North Cobb is the Sports Editor for The Chant. Talone has always loved writing and writes any chance she gets. A multi-athlete herself, Talone ironically loves writing about sports the most. Following graduation, Talone hopes to go to college to pursue sports medicine. She loves speaking Portuguese and visiting her family in Brazil. Cooking and baking are another one of Talone’s passions and she frequently cooks traditional Brazilian foods and desserts.


All content by Giovanna Talone
When The Chant’s former editor-in-chief, Amber Roldan wrote an April Fools article announcing NC's new uniforms policy the false statement still created a buzz around the school. With certain students liking the idea and others hating it, several students felt relieved knowing they could wear what they wanted with the dress code as the only restraint. However, NC should turn the joke into reality by mandating uniforms.

NC should unite with uniforms

Giovanna Talone, Sports Editor
September 27, 2022
A recent multi-state E. coli outbreak connects back to Wendy’s lettuce used in the company’s sandwiches. Individuals with E. coli symptoms remain encouraged to report any concerns to a health department to reduce the spread of the disease. Until health officials determine the cause, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention encourages customers to continue eating at Wendy’s, until the release of further information on the investigation.

Wendy’s new menu item: E. coli

Giovanna Talone, Sports editor
September 12, 2022
At 10:15 this morning, NC held an informational meeting in the library hosting Kennesaw State University librarian assistant professor Leslie Drost. Drost taught students how to access and navigate KSU’s library database. The library on KSU’s campus offers several sites and resources for research projects or homework. Library staff and students also offer help with class locations along with any questions or concerns. “[The meeting] was very informative, and I learned a lot about the different databases KSU has for research.  I learned how to access different resources that can be helpful for homework and essays. She [Drost] answered a lot of our questions and was super helpful,” senior Yasmin Chagas said.

NC hosts KSU librarian

Giovanna Talone, Reporter
April 19, 2022
With prom approaching, seniors, juniors and underclassmen with an upperclassman date buy tickets for prom in the cafeteria or through My Payments Plus this week. This Saturday, March 19, students will attend at the Carlos Ballroom in the Savanna Hall at the Atlanta Zoo for NC’s first prom since 2019. “I’m excited to go to prom because this is my first time. I remember watching movies and seeing how exciting and fun prom looks, but because of Covid and the previous classes before me not being able to go, I was scared because I thought I wouldn't get the chance this year,” junior Bianca Mariano said.

Prom tickets for sale

Giovanna Talone, Reporter
March 15, 2022
NC cafeteria staff member of 25 years, Martha Cothran, serves sophomore Ryan Lacey school lunch. “When I look at staff members, it's often difficult to read or even see their name tags. I think that students would be able to build better relationships with the staff in our school if they could at least more easily learn their names,” Lacey said. Workers come in before school to serve breakfast, then begin cooking and preparing lunches before A lunch, starting at 11:51, until D lunch ending at 1:57. After all lunch periods end, they clean the kitchen and wash used dishes and equipment.

Hello: My name is…

Giovanna Talone, Reporter
January 31, 2022
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