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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

Naoshin Kaiser

Naoshin Kaiser, Photgrapher

Naoshin Kaiser is a short girl but sure has some attitude; her style is fun and chill yet chic. She has the eye for the art of makeup and photography. Learning from her mistakes and laughing when she falls allows her to get back up stronger than ever. Seeing a goal to the end and persevering through it is important to Naosh. She enjoys meeting new people and exploring the unknown, getting her psyched for any challenge and eager to try new things. Living in the moment and making the most out of her time are rules she abides by. Her open minded, passionate personality allows her to easily spark conversation with anyone. Being apart of The Chant opens up countless opportunities and she is super excited to snatch them!

All content by Naoshin Kaiser
Students wrap up their semester in anatomy with one of their last labs today December 17. The lab focused on the aspects of sheep brains and asks of students to compare the parts to their own brains. The lab demonstrates to students the parts of the brain and offers them a hands on experience to further enhance their learning in the class. “I look forward to seeing the inside of the [sheep] brains and seeing what it looks like so I can compare what happens inside our [people] brains. It's going to help me apply what we learned in class to real life and how they relate to each other. I also learn more about my own brain as well.” Junior Natasya Hioe said.

Anatomy wrap up

Naoshin Kaiser, Reporter/Photographer
December 17, 2018
"Wear it" out

“Wear it” out

Naoshin Kaiser, Photographer
December 13, 2018
End of Course Testing for math began on Monday, December 3. Students sharpen their pencils, put new batteries in their calculators, and fuel their brains as they prepare for the test day. “I’m nervous for this EOC, but I know my teacher prepared me and I studied a lot, ate a good breakfast, and got some sleep. I think I over prepared, but I know that this EOC is going to help not hurt me,” sophomore Prapti Tanti said.

Add, subtract, and multiply…

Naoshin Kaiser, Photographer
December 3, 2018
Mimicking the famous Rocky Balboa pose, he reminds viewers to never give up and keep striving to achieve their dreams no matter the obstacles they face. Adonis Creed inspires the future generations of boxing and continues to leave an impact on the boxing world. Together in Creed II Rocky works to train Adonis to commemorating his old days back in the ring.

[Photo] Creed II: Another knockout

Nia-Simone Sherwood, Reporter/Videographer
November 30, 2018
Blown away by the chilly autumnal wind, students struggle to get out of their warm beds and arrive on time to class with the pouring rain. Bracing themselves with rain jackets, boots, and umbrellas, students try not to slip in the halls or catch a cold before Thanksgiving Break.

Will this rain ever stop?

Naoshin Kaiser, Photographer
November 12, 2018
To kick off Red Ribbon Week, students around the school showed up in their pajamas to show that they “sleep on drugs.” Representing the drug free life, sophomores Ivy Wanjiku and Kaleigh Everheart wore their pajamas to school. The rest of the week’s dress up days include: wear red day, crazy hair day, twin day, and sports/career day. “I love dress up weeks, they are always fun and I feel like it brings the school together a little bit. Just like we should stand together to fight drugs, we dress up together,” Wanjiku said.

Drug-free sleepwalkers

Naoshin Kaiser, Photographer
October 29, 2018
Calling all seniors! The annual senior superlatives are finally open for voting. Submit votes by clicking the “Seniors” tab on the NC website. Results appear in the yearbook at the end of the year, and all seniors anticipate the revealing of the winners. The race for “most likely” and “best...” are up for grabs. Who are you voting for?

Race on!

Naoshin Kaiser, Photography
October 15, 2018
YSIV hit Spotify and Apple Music on September 28, 2018. With obvious excitement for Logic’s new releases, fans quickly download the album, along with purchasing their YSIV merchandise to represent their favorite artist.

Only Logic(al) to enjoy YSIV

Naoshin Kaiser, Photographer
October 9, 2018
Students kick off this year’s Hollywood themed Homecoming dress-up week with Tacky Tourist Day. Students filled the school’s hallways with cargo shorts, tacky printed shirts, and stylish accessories. “[Tacky Tourist Day] is a great way to show your school spirit, and if you couldn't do it today there is the rest of the week to dress up,” junior Priscilla Petersen said.

Where’s the Hollywood sign?

Naoshin Kaiser, Photographer
October 1, 2018
The freshman class of 2022 gets ready to cast their ballots for the positions of Class President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The freshmen will vote for their class leaders on Wednesday, September 12 in homeroom. Advertisements posted by hopeful candidates in the race decorate the Freshman Academy.

On your marks, get ready, vote!

Naoshin Kaiser, Photographer
September 10, 2018
Asuzu brings school spirit alive by painting up for the football game with his friends. The crowd accompanies Asuzu’s enthusiasm as they cheer on the winning start to another Warrior football season.

Chike Asuzu: Chief of the Tribe

Naoshin Kaiser, Photographer
September 7, 2018
Another  eager student grabs an American Sign Language Club information slip posted outside of the ASL classroom. Meetings are held Wednesday afternoons at 3:30 in room 604.

[Photo] American Sign Language club revived

Elyssa Abbott, Reporter/Photographer
September 6, 2018
The girls get ready for a stunt called the one leg extension. This stunt takes four girls and is one of the more difficult stunts performed by them.

[Photo] Flipping out for the new cheer season

Elyssa Abbott, Reporter, Photographer
August 31, 2018
Aupic represents her nationality while tackling a new language, Spanish, in America. She speaks English, French, and Spanish at advanced levels, giving her the foundation to speak all three fluently.

[Photo] When in America

Julyana Ayache, Reporter/Photographer
August 30, 2018
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