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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

Rachel Maxwell

Rachel Maxwell, Social Media Manager

Rachel Maxwell, Social media manager to The Chant, is a senior at NC. Her love for writing and photography drew her to the newspaper staff, but after 3 years of being on staff her love for these hobbies has only grown. Being a member of The Chant has led her to not only find a group of lifelong friends but also made her realize her dream of working in journalism and social media.

Almost all hours of the day Rachel is listening to music. Blasting artists like The 1975, Rex Orange County, and Frank Ocean help her focus and calm her down. If she is not listening to one of these artists she is most likely blasting the Hamilton soundtrack, as Broadway shows are her guilty pleasure.

Other than music some of her favorite things are sushi, her 4 cats, her dog Groot, and her best friend Nati. She also has an piercing addiction, as she as 15 different piercings and plans on getting more in the future.

One of the most important things in Rachel’s life is traveling as she does not like feeling tied down in one spot for too long. Over the years she has traveled out of the country to some of the most beautiful places she has ever been like South Korea, Bahamas, and most recently Iceland. She hopes to one day travel the world surrounded by the people she loves most.

Rachel is full of new ideas to bring to The Chant and wants to make this her best year yet she plans on teaching the people who will be taking over her position on staff next year everything she knows so The Chant can continue to thrive on all platforms.

All content by Rachel Maxwell
	Birth control methods work differently for different people. Depending on specific needs, body types, and comfort levels, finding the right method might come as a struggle. By educating oneself on all available products and their actions finding that perfect tool will come at ease.

There are always options

Rachel Maxwell, Social Media Manager
May 12, 2019
Rock on and spread the love

Rock on and spread the love

Rachel Maxwell, Social Media Manager
May 6, 2019
NC’s new club Girls Who Code hosted a “Snuggle Drive” for homeless people and gathered blankets, socks, jacket, and other warm winter items to donate. To everyone’s dismay, the drive ended with only four homerooms participating. Devastated, the club will regretfully host a promised doughnut party for the first period with the most items. “I just find it really disgusting that people will take time out of their day to stand in line for $300 shoes, or the new iPhone, but they will not use their time to go to Goodwill and buy a $10 blanket or socks for homeless people who have the bare minimum. It takes a celebrity to donate for anyone to do anything,” junior Zoe Brown said.

Snuggle Drive sadness

Rachel Maxwell, Social Media Manager
December 14, 2018
Students impatiently stare at the clock as they wait for the 3:30 bell to ring, marking the beginning of Thanksgiving break. Students finish final tests, eat food, and hand out turkey grams. “I am super excited! I am going to the beach with my best friend for the week and I am just ready for a nice, relaxing break from school,” Senior Tess Williams said.

Ready for the break!

Rachel Maxwell, Social Media Manager
November 16, 2018
With a new year comes new traditions as seniors say goodbye to their beloved quotes. Determined never to let the senior voice die, yearbook staff worked hard to come up with a suitable, fun alternative. “I think the seniors are going to love it. It is different but we have done in the past and students loved it, so we are bringing it back,” principal Matt Moody said.

Most likely to be read by seniors

Rachel Maxwell, Social Media Manager
November 13, 2018
Will Hargis teaches AP and on-level Psychology along with Melanie Shelnutt, who will retire later this year. In addition to advising multiple clubs, Hargis will take over the full AP psychology program beginning next school year. “I enjoy being a role model for the kids, and I have never regretted taking on so much in the school. I know that I am ready to take over the AP psych program,”Hargis said.

Now featuring: Will Hargis

Rachel Maxwell, Social Media Manager
November 7, 2018
Students closed off Red Ribbon week by dressing up as their future career. Careers ranging from plummers to doctors roamed the halls of NC. “I have always wanted to be an anesthesiologist nurse, and today was the day I could live out my dream of being that,“ senior Judy Mihyar said.

The doctor is in

Rachel Maxwell, Social Media Manager
November 2, 2018
	Students celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness month by decorating classroom doors with creative spooky themes. Next Monday, judges will determine whose class wins the prize basket full of snacks. “Isabella Keaton and Adrienne Schuller took charge of our door. They decided to theme it up with Halloween and saying ‘scare away’ breast cancer. I love the idea, but they have full credit for it,” Economics teacher Marcus Marenda said.

Breast cancer can’t scare us!

Rachel Maxwell, Social Media Manager
October 19, 2018
Celebrity Day

Celebrity Day

Rachel Maxwell, Social Media Manager
September 30, 2018

[Photo] Tacky Tourist

Tara Anastasoff, Editor-in-Chief, Photo Editor
September 30, 2018
The removal of trees commenced construction for the new Acworth-Kennesaw Regional Library on the corner of Blue Springs Road and Old 41 Highway. “I was pained to see all the trees go. I know what the purpose was for, and overall, I think it is going to be a good thing provided they have a well-managed landscape. It would be a really cool thing if Greenhouse Gang got involved with whoever is doing the designing, and maybe be able to keep a few native trees and plants,” sponsor for NC’s Greenhouse Gang club Ms. Aughey said.

Out with trees, in with the books

Rachel Maxwell, Social Media Manager
September 5, 2018
An announcement canceling NC's yearly Spirit Bus, for the second year in a row, aired this morning during the announcements. Administration cancelled the trip due to an underwhelming number of students who signed up to ride the bus to the football game against Campbell high school on Friday, August 31. “I think the whole aspect of community spirit is being challenged. People are becoming more self-contained. It’s a shame that peoples' drive to participate in events like this is being eaten away,” Latin teacher Mr. Browning said.

NC’s spirit bus canceled

Rachel Maxwell, Social Media Manager
August 31, 2018
	Seniors started off the new school year shocked by the amount of changes involving privileges. Although the majority of changes made seniors happy, like the courtyard becoming strictly for them, others left them upset, such as the removal of senior quotes. Seniors, excited about new things coming, prepare to take on the new year.

Seniors enjoy a privilege, accept a loss

Rachel Maxwell, Social Media Editor
August 28, 2018
The first full week of school after summer means the start of the sale of Chick-fil-A chicken biscuits outside of Admin One. From now until the end of the school year, the delicious smell of bread and chicken fill the front of the school as students line up to purchase a biscuit for $3 before running off to their first period class. “Chicken biscuits allow the school to make money and fundraise while also providing something that everyone loves: Chick-fil-A,” senior Harrison Haley said.

No breakfast? No problem!

Rachel Maxwell, Social Media Manager
August 6, 2018
Today, Thursday May 17, a cow truck tipped over on I-75. 19 cows were released during the crash, and 7 of the 19 died. The highway was closed off in order to keep cows contained and capture them. “ I had a cow when I realized how long it was going to take me to get to work,” said Amy Maxwell.

An udder tragedy

Rachel Maxwell, Social Media Manager, Reporter
May 17, 2018
Students create comprehensive study cards for the upcoming Environmental Science AP exams. Filling the cards with color and keeping them organized will help exam takers study and review the content more efficiently. This year, all AP exams will take place on campus in the library, Freshmen Academy, or Performing Arts Center.

Need a study buddy?

Rachel Maxwell, Social Media Manager, Reporter
May 3, 2018
Students received their course requests, letting them know the classes they will most likely have next school year. Counselors also ask students wanting to change their schedule put in a request before next semester. After that, counselors will restrict schedule changes to meeting necessary graduation requirements and resolving course conflicts.

“How do you want it, how do you feel?”

Rachel Maxwell, Social Media Manager, Reporter
April 26, 2018
Today, Thursday April 19 marks the last day to buy prom tickets. Students rush to gather the money before time runs out and they miss their chance to attend their magical night at prom. “I would say there have been more sales today than any other day, everyone is super last minute this year,” said Shatesha Mcwhorter, a volunteer helping sell prom tickets in the cafeteria.

Get it while it’s hot!

Rachel Maxwell, Social Media Manager, Reporter
April 19, 2018
Students who were accepted into National Honors Society were presented with a rose today, Thursday April 12. Members participate in volunteer projects to positively affect the community and encourage other students to join. The first meeting will take place on April 17.

“Will you accept this rose?”

Rachel Maxwell, Social Media Manager, Reporter
April 12, 2018
Savvi Formalwear rents out prom tuxedos with a $50 discount for students in the cafeteria. Representatives handed out pamphlets with tux designs and locations of Savvi Formalwear, as well as lollipops, chapsticks, mints, and free pens to those who signed up.

Getting savy with Savvi

Rachel Maxwell, Social Media Manager, Reporter
March 22, 2018
Tonight at 6:30, NC will hold its annual Magnet Open House for incoming freshmen. The program will commence the main presentation in the theater from 6:30-7:15, the world language programs in the theater foyer at 6:00-7:30, and clubs and athletics in the main cafeteria at 7:20-8:30.

Magnet open house

Rachel Maxwell, Social Media Manager, Reporter
March 15, 2018
Herff Jones finally released graduation announcements for seniors who purchased the package in the fall. The personalized announcements come with a sketch of NC on it, as well as tabs to put cap and gown pictures in. Students can pick up their orders in the cafeteria during lunch.

Hear ye, hear ye!

Rachel Maxwell, Social Media Manager, Reporter
March 8, 2018
With love in the air, couples and friends exchange everything from giant teddy bears to chocolates in celebration of Valentine's Day. “Valentine's Day is so cute, although I believe in spreading love everyday, seeing everyone so happy and in love makes me feel all bubbly,” junior Tess Williams said.

What’s love got to do with it?

Rachel Maxwell, Social Media Manager
February 15, 2018
Breaking the bank does not always equal the perfect date. By thinking creatively, finding the most romantic way to spend your Valentine's Day can come at a cheap price.

Cheap and easy Valentine’s Day date ideas

Rachel Maxwell, Social Media Manager
February 13, 2018
The lunar phenomenon known as the Super Blue Blood Moon occurred on January 31, exciting both young and old space-lovers.

Once in a Super Blue Blood Moon

Rachel Maxwell, Social Media Manager
February 12, 2018
The Ice Kitchen brought an aesthetic and tasty spot to the Kennesaw area, offering sweet rolled ice cream and other refreshing treats.

[Photo] The Ice Kitchen: Swirling up a sweet new spot

Sandy Dang, Reporter, Public relations
February 7, 2018
As the NC golf team prepares to swing back into action, coaches and team members give a sneak peek into what this season will look like.

The “tee” on the spring golf season

Rachel Maxwell, Social media manager
February 7, 2018
NC seniors Nick Edwards, Chloe Petersen, and Zorae Tomlin celebrate Hoopcoming week by breaking out the denim and funky colors for 90’s day. With the 90’s trends coming back into style, students had no trouble finding the perfect look.

The 90’s are All That!

Rachel Maxwell, Social Media Manager, Reporter
February 1, 2018
Celebrating 90’s day of NC’s Hoopcoming dress-up week seniors, Nick Edwards, Chloe Petersen, and Zorae Tomlin broke out the denim and funky colors. With the 90’s trends coming back into style, students had no trouble finding the perfect look.

2018 or 1991?

Rachel Maxwell, Social media editor
February 1, 2018
NC wrapped up Hoopcoming week with the annual pep rally. After a performance from the dance team, the boys and girls basketball team made their way onto the court, followed by the nominees for Hoopcoming Court. After a short speech from the nominees, the crowd erupted in cheers, and some students even ran onto the court to dance.

Pep it up at the pep rally

Rachel Maxwell, Social media editor
February 2, 2018
Mrs. Brenna's third period class learns to graph the location of objects with constant velocity cars. The students paired into groups with rulers and toy cars to practice in the hallway.

Indy 500 makes a pit stop at NC

Rachel Maxwell, Social Media Manager, Reporter
January 25, 2018
Junior Rasheeda Hallum identifies as Bisexual. Although she struggled in the past, she now feels secure with her sexuality.


Rachel Maxwell, Social Media Manager
January 12, 2018
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