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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

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The award-winning voice of North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

The Chant

Julyana Ayache

Julyana Ayache, Staff

Julyana Ayache begins her journey at The Chant in hopes of being introduced to the world of journalism. She aspires to be a news reporter and travel someday, gaining the opportunity to be involved and keep learning. She enjoys gaining knowledge about various international concepts and adores the idea of traveling and experiencing new cultures and traditions. She values an open-mind and believes in the most positive outlook on life.

Ayache loves to spend time with her friends and family as much as she can. She mentions how her friends and family are her biggest support system and the people around her are what make her the happiest.

In her spare time, she enjoys shopping and watching YouTube videos. She says that YouTube can never get old and idolizes those YouTubers that spend their living just talking to a camera and uploading it so easy. She spends most weekends roaming in between many shops and feels as if her clothing is a chance to express creativity and barely walks out of any shop empty-handed.  She loves occupying her late nights discovering new music. A majority of the music she listens to is a mix of R&B and downbeat music. A few artists she enjoys are Alina Baraz, The Weekend, and Khalid.

This year, she’s excited to get to experience newspaper and get the feeling of being a true reporter.

All content by Julyana Ayache
NC students suffered the loss of junior, Andre Cordero, February 7, due to a car accident. Close friends to Andre created a box to place in the cafeteria for the student body and staff to write notes and condolences toward Andre’s family. The community bonds together, helping one another through this difficult time to honor Andre.

Fly high Andre

Julyana Ayache, Staff
February 10, 2020
AP Macroeconomics teacher, Dr. Pamela Roach, observes an empty classroom as it consisted solely of seniors. As the last complete school day before the early release final days, seniors vanish from NC’s campus. Seniors participated in their last day of high school on Friday, May 17, and granted the final days off, counting until their graduation date, Thursday, May 23.

It’s quiet without the seniors.

Julyana Ayache, Reporter, Photographer
May 20, 2019
	Photography commemorates memories and triggers a true feeling in relation to the physical captured copy. Depending on the person, a photo can provide a specific significance recalling an emotional cue. Students in NC share how photos provide meaning and feelings and the importance of an image with sentimental value.

Beyond the lens

Julyana Ayache, Reporter, Photographer
April 26, 2019
With four weeks left in the school year, seniors celebrated their last high school dress up week. Today, seniors dressed up as Kindergarteners, throwing it back to the start of their school years. With jean overalls, colorful socks, and high pigtails, students transformed the high school hallways to elementary school classrooms.

Throwing it back to the Kindergarten years

Julyana Ayache, Reporter, Photographer
April 22, 2019
Spring break has come to an end, and now students excitedly await summer break. WIthout neglecting the importance of the coming six weeks, students continue to work hard and finish off the tail end of the semester strong.

Spring break recharge

Julyana Ayache, Reporter, Photographer
April 8, 2019
Say 'Cheerio' to school lunches

Say ‘Cheerio’ to school lunches

Julyana Ayache, Reporter, Photographer
April 1, 2019
The defense worked hard to try and prevent the Hillgrove Hawks from scoring. The Lady Warriors played hard but walked off the field with a loss of 0-6. As the girls applied full effort towards Tuesday night’s game, the team stands proud of their skills and prepares to work even harder. “I thought that even though we lost, we bounced back from last game. We communicated and connected a lot more this game, but there are some things I still need to work on as an individual and that would impact the team,” sophomore striker Helena Chea said.

Hawks soared as Warriors fell

Julyana Ayache, Reporter, Photographer
March 22, 2019
Prom creeps up right around the corner as students make their final appointments and purchases for the memorable night this coming Saturday, March 23. Currently, the school sells tickets to students in the main cafeteria for $80. From choosing prom dresses, tuxes, matching shoes, and accessories, juniors and seniors anticipate one of the most memorable nights of their high school years.

Have you bought your prom ticket yet?

Julyana Ayache, Reporter, Photographer
March 18, 2019
	Students received notes from North Star Admin regarding NC students’ privilege of parking on the church’s campus. The administration discontinued providing their parking lot for students who did not purchase a parking pass. Students keep hopes high for North Star reopening their church lot for students in the upcoming semester.

BREAKING: Driving out of North Star parking

Julyana Ayache, Reporter, Photographer
March 15, 2019
	NC defense worked intently to keep Mustangs out of the home goal. With quick footwork, the girls powered through the first half with a positive and determined mindset. “I’m proud of our defensive lineup, and the girls really worked hard against the Mustangs. We tried our best to defend our goal and the positive outlook is all I could ask for from the girls,” sophomore Adriana Irizarry said.

Girls’ varsity soccer fights Lupus

Julyana Ayache, Reporter, Photographer
March 13, 2019
	Textbooks and review books overlook the Civil Rights movement, showcasing Black achievements at its peak. As the month recognizes black advancements in various aspects, such as Jackie Robinson, as portrayed, and Brown vs. Board of Education. These accomplishments receive credit in US textbooks and represent Black culture at its peak during the Civil Rights movement in the 60s.

A history of Black History Month

Julyana Ayache, Reporter, Photographer
March 8, 2019
Mueller investigation: what's the point?

Mueller investigation: what’s the point?

Julyana Ayache, Reporter, Photographer
March 8, 2019
Tribal Connections is currently hosting a Grain drive to gather various grain products, such as cereal, bread, and oatmeal, to send off to people in need. The Kennesaw Business Association (KBA), proposed the drive to TC, and its members encourage students to bring sugary and tasteful cereals and grain products to donate to children in need. “I decided to engage in the drive to help kids and families in need. It’s for a good cause and I know that I contributed something to these kids to make them happy,” Rahel Kefetew, head of the drive, said.

Make it rain with grain

Julyana Ayache, Reporter, Photographer
March 4, 2019
Varsity Boys Basketball coach Terry Gorsuch accompanies senior player Kevin Hester during senior night, saying a farewell to a significant part of his 2018-2019 season coaching basketball. “Each Senior group is special—these four seniors have been awesome and I will truly miss them. Shota Suzuki, Kevin Hester, Josh Moten, and Tyrese Crawford have done so much for the program the last four years,” Gorsuch said.

300 wins and counting for Gorsuch

Julyana Ayache, Reporter, Photographer
March 1, 2019
On the first day of tryouts, boys lined up behind the goal, practicing a defensive drill while warming up their skills. Coaches gained the chance to observe offensive players’ skills, attackers on the goal, and goalkeepers’ defense of the goal. “Tryouts were pretty good. We have a good chance of winning region this year, and maybe go a little bit deeper than state,” Varsity player and senior Luis Guadarrama said.

Kicking off the soccer season

Julyana Ayache, Reporter, Photographer
January 23, 2019
The Women’s March of 2017 sparked an unbelievable movement among millions of Feminist worldwide. A diverse collection of people gathered in popular cities and created signs to contradict President Donald Trump and his overtake in the American Government. Through this movement, people came together as one, protecting for equal human rights internationally and advocated for the concept of equality. This picture was taken in Springfield, Missouri.

The misinterpretation of feminism

Julyana Ayache, Reporter/Photographer
December 21, 2018
Crocs come back, taking over the end of the 2018 year, flashing back to the 2000s. A simple and colorful selection to brighten up any shoe closet, and a quick slip-on for quick occasions. With a popular shoe, and its iconic style, Crocs stand with its comeback, and its long-lasting comfort.

The comeback of Crocs

Julyana Ayache, Reporter/Photograper
December 20, 2018
Dasher began pursuing her extraordinary talent of Aerial Silks 8 years ago while in 3rd grade. She attends the Rock Climbing Gym, Escalade, 3 to 4 days a week in 1 hour practices. Dasher plans to further develop her skills by traveling and experiencing new places to perform, inspiring young learners to take on the challenge.

Hang on!

Julyana Ayache, Reporter, Photographer
December 12, 2018
What would I like to wear?

What would I like to wear?

Julyana Ayache, Reporter, photographer
October 23, 2018
Sheldon Frazier, one of NC’s band directors, set up a chapter of the nationwide program Tri-M to provide an opportunity for fine arts students from orchestra, band, and chorus. Frazier teaches his symphonic band which contains a number of students who participate in Tri-M.

Music students thrive in Tri-M

Julyana Ayache, Reporter/Photographer
October 15, 2018
Becca’s Closet worked with the students of NC’s community and the people around them too help provide dresses and clothes for those in need. Depicted are NC students modeling dresses for upcoming prom events. With the backing support from stores such as Macy’s these students were able to give away dresses for the profit of happy smiles

Becca’s Closet no more

Julyana Ayache, Reporter/Photographer
September 5, 2018
Aupic represents her nationality while tackling a new language, Spanish, in America. She speaks English, French, and Spanish at advanced levels, giving her the foundation to speak all three fluently.

When in America

Julyana Ayache, Reporter/Photographer
August 30, 2018
Close friends and family hosted a memorial in honor of junior Fatima Asad’s battle against cancer on Wednesday, August 22. Depicted in the picture, students light candles in Asad’s name to remember and  set up for the memorial.


Julyana Ayache, Reporter/Photographer
August 29, 2018
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